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Posts posted by MCook

  1. Had my local garage look at it and they saw my W brace was completely rusted to nothing, so they did that for £300,

    Sorry but wtf!! :scare: Should say they did you for £300. :angry:


    Lot's of people just wire brush the rust off and hammerite paint the W-brace but if it's that bad you could have got a second hand one from zmanalex on here or the better option would have been a £129 aftermarket W brace from eBay. Link: http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3f315013a8


    Honestly I'm mad for you ~ don't let that garage shaft you for money mate even if you can afford it. ;)


    It's a garage my parents have used for years, but the price of doing the brace combined with the fact they cannot even pin point the problem, and that when I left the car with them, I was waiting just around the corner for my mother to pick me up, a guy jumped in it to take it in, lets just say he made a bit more noise then necessary, even once stationary over the lift. God knows what he did on the test drive!.............. :headhurt:


    I am now going to find a specialist, have the car serviced and aligned, soon..

  2. I also have a knocking/clunking noise, I cannot pin point if it is front of rear.


    Had my local garage look at it and they saw my W brace was completely rusted to nothing, so they did that for £300, the knocking was just as bad after that. Now they want to charge me £400 for the rear shocks as they think that will cure it.... Im not rushing into it, I would rather they knew 100% where the noise was coming from, which they should be able to do quite easily, as they deal with this sort of thing day in day out!!


    Here is a video I found, the noise I am getting is basically identical to this...


    Not sure if that is the sound your getting OP?

  3. Started with the rear, set out to get rid of these awful frames..













    The rear was easy enough and looked so much better afterwards.


    Then a few hours ago I decided to work on the front plate..


    Some before shots (also had the awful frame on)





    The plan was to take the branded frame off and then just stick the number plate on the original 'plinth'.. I then decided that I wanted to have a look under the plinth, and possibly give it a coat of paint as it was a bit shabby.


    So I took it off..........





    I then changed my mind, and thought I will leave it all as it was originally until I have time to paint the plinth and what not.


    Then this happened.




    The flipping bolt that the plinth screws into became 'un-stuck' and was loose inside the bumper.




    I did not have time to do anything about it and just decided to whack the plate straight on the bumper, none of the holes are at all visible but it still is bothering me knowing that they are there. So maybe later on I will get it done properly.


    But for now, I must say, I am extremely happy with the way it looks.








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