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Everything posted by Dannyz

  1. Indeed Dynamic Turtle my life time of luck was used that day so must not ask to much of lady luck or she might think I am taking the you know what! :-) still tempted by the saving but better to wait and get a straight model just to be safe!
  2. Thank you all for the responses. I think while I'm ok with this kinda thing, after proper checking it out, I get the feeling that resale is where the main issue is going to be and as I am yet to own a 350Z I can't say for sure how long the love affair will last. So the search for a UK model 04-05 for under £6000 with as low a mileage as possible and NOT cat C or D (or even A/B Ekona :-) begins! Again thanks for the help, and of cause anyone that is thinking of selling such a car would be welcome to PM me ;-)
  3. First proper post so apologise if this has been captured else were in the forum ( I have searched). Ok what is the general opinion of purchasing fixed damaged cat c/d insurance job 350's? My thoughts is a bit of tlc after a bump should keep things ok and still worth purchasing at a discount. I have fixed my motorbike after what can only be classed as a 80mph head on......lot of cash but it's like new. Difference when buying has that same care been taken? Your thoughts would be appreciated. And for info it looks like I could save arround £1000-£1500 opting for a damaged 350.
  4. Hi all, Should be joining the owners club shortly. Just need to find the right milage/price balance! Danny
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