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  1. yeah I could manage about 18k I was offered 11k for z about 6 months ago (58plate 35000 miles) so I could put some money down and finance the rest the interior isnt anything special your right but i don't think its too bad lol
  2. wow that is really tidy, I was kinda hoping some 1 would say it is quicker than the 350 best stat saving I, I want 1 like your now lol
  3. Thanks for the replies! I forgot to mention easy power upgrade for the focus True Rwd is the Z's best factor, but my previous car was Fwd and i had just as much fun on the twisties as i do on the Z.
  4. Hey all With the new mk3 Focus rs out soon i expect the price of the mk2 to drop a bit later this year, So thoughts on making the changes from a 350z? I know it's just a focus but i've always loved them since i saw them and would like to own one. I have never driven or sat in one but these would be my expectations compared to the Z. Focus has better in-gear speed but worse off the mark. Similar ride quality and handling (although they way they go about the handling will feel very different) Worse driving position in the focus Better clutch on the focus, i've never really been a fan on the Z's clutch. obv practicality goes to the focus. Nicer gear change and more relaxed drive in Z. Has any one made the change i would love to hear peoples thoughts on this. Thanks in advance
  5. Hey everyone I seem to have something creaking from the rear, i done my research and found loads on droplinks (Kindly supplied by clarkmotorsport) so i replaced them with new ones and it's still there! It's completely standard and the noise is much more noticeable when cold and going over uneven surfaces. Any help is appreciated
  6. My insurance company don't want to know if i mod anything to do with the suspension, so i will be sticking with the OEM ones from clark motorsport, Thanks for the replies you've all been very helpful.
  7. Looks good, but would i need to tell my insurance company? would these be classed as a suspension mod? Thanks for the reply
  8. Hey all I've been getting a knocking noise from the rear suspension and have seen plenty of posts about drop links, i found these on ebay. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/For-Nissan-350Z-2003-2009-REAR-ANTI-ROLL-DROP-LINK-RODS-x-2-/360505534039?hash=item53efcde657 Will these be ok? Or would it be better to contact Nissan from a genuine part? Thanks
  9. Hey Guys I've been having this problem for over a month now, and i seem to have developed a metallic squak/rattle sounds? sounds like its coming from front passnger wheel or that side of the engine, not really sure but it only happens when accelerating and only for the first few minutes of driving then it dies down a bit. Its quite loud when that window side is down and doesnt sounds healthy. Any ideas as to what this could be would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  10. Cheers guys i found the failed welding near the back box so at least thats not a big problem ill see how 6 gear goes for now if it gets any worse ill get it down the garage.
  11. Hey guys so I've got a couple of problems the first and probably small 1 is my exhaust seems to of gotten much louder for no reason and I mean ear bleeding loud I suspect back box but I looked under and couldn't see a problem. The bigger problem Is my 6th gear frequently grinding as I goes in usually when I give it a bit of revs. Are these common issues? My car is 58 plate with 29k miles on it. thanks for the help in advance
  12. yea theres no grinding it just refuses to go in gear and i dnt want to force it lol thanks for your help ill try some new clutch fluid and see how that goes
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