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Everything posted by ZZZ_2306

  1. +1 Assume that if 9000 miles is the service interval then that's fine? Saying that I only do 6K a year and will service yearly so I hope that will be ok
  2. As the title says how often does everyone do oil and filter changes? I know in the US they seem to do them every 3,000 miles are the UK service schedules fairly safe or are people getting their own interval oil services done. Also I am assuming the top up from min to max is standard 1 litre on the 370?
  3. Yep you go into Bluetooth and you have to pair it for Audio as well as Phone. Works for me and I am happily able to stream Spotify and SoundCloud through the system, as its bluetooth it also displays how much battery you have on your phone etc on the Nav, pretty awesome
  4. Yeah that looks like it Ebisu black I think
  5. In the UK how many options there are for black paint? How do I know if mine is Pealescent/cherry black etc etc?
  6. I think the black edition rays are antharcite, probably right will look nicer than just black
  7. That's what I thought but apparently that's a standard GT Edition?
  8. Apparently these are Anthracite? These look any better?
  9. Yeah this is my dilemma at the moment, to go more with the black edition styling
  10. Just bought myself a black 370Z and saw a similar car with with Rays forged 19s done in high gloss piano black, what is everyones thoughts? Is it too much black on black? I'm undecided, tempted but undecided
  11. Is there an up to date list of who has them?
  12. For those that have the premium upgrades obviously the DVD player stops working over 5mph. I'm well aware it's highly illegal but is there anyway or anyone that provides a service to over ride this? Would be handy to keep the ither half amused on long trips
  13. New car paranoia I think in this case for me
  14. False alarm turns out it was the neighbours car LOL
  15. I don't think so when the car is locked all that is showing when I look in a steady flash of a car symbol with a key in it which is just to say the immobiliser is on correct?
  16. Yep just checked that all fine! it's strange hasn't done it again yet so I will wait and see
  17. Picked up my car today! Bloody love it! 2010 Paddle Coupe GT Pack. Now I have parked up at home and everyone now and again (it's happened 3 times now) I can hear a "beep beep...... Beep beep" alarm chime? Any ideas? Both keys inside the house, I can see the immobiliser light enabled and steady flashing as it should.
  18. Can you tell us how much you paid for this system?
  19. Hi Guys, New member here, picking up a 2010 370Z Saturday with Connect Premium. Can I please be added to the list for the update discs? Regards Jay
  20. Gstraw it's an auto paddle shift so I assume this does not apply?
  21. Thanks guys! Definately seems to be a GT with the wheels, Bose and all the toys inside including the premium stuff, I'm not sure officially what the GT pack included I'm sure someone could tell me
  22. Cheers fella! Yeah I only do 7K a year too so happy about that
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