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Everything posted by RichCox350Z

  1. Just out of interest.. what model Zed have you got? Because as far as I was aware.. Exedy don't make a clutch for the 350Z DE engine??
  2. Looking great! How much did that set ya back? If ya don't mind me asking?
  3. I followed a v.nice looking Black 370Z all through Trowbridge on Tuesday evening around 5.30ish. The reg was PV10ZZZ, it had a red Nissan badge on the rear. Looked very clean! I was in my work van (Melksham Motor Spares) right behind it!
  4. How far down the list are we now then Mark?
  5. Haha! Thanks for the 'really big dumbass' idiots guide to..! Appreciate it buster! I Got something to do this weekend now!
  6. I reckon I'm being thick then because I still don't understand where you solder/attach the newly stripped RCA wires to?!
  7. Sorry if this has been covered already... Ive just read through the Buster Mod twice and I'm being proper blonde.. Once you've cut / stripped the RCA cables (red/white/black/yellow) to bare wire, how do you go about attaching them to the female ports in the back of the HU..? Has anyone got a picture of the back of their HU after the mod has been completed and all wires are connected?
  8. Pheeewwww!!! Luckily its only about 8-9 miles away so will be doing some Sunday driving tomorrow!! hah Cheers guys
  9. Hi guys, looking for some advice... I spent the weekend changing the rear stock OEM camber arms to some Eibach adjustable ones. Now I've made the arms the same length by measurement, just so I can drive it to the garage tomorrow morning to be fully aligned. This morning, being that is was pissing down with rain.. I decided to drive to work, (I live about 3 minutes away, normally ride my bike). So I'm thinking 'its fine, its less than a mile to work, I'll have no problem!' However, the back end feels like its gonna fall off! The traction control light keeps flashing on and off, feels almost like the arms aren't even moving?! They were installed perfectly, the only thing I can think of is that I haven't tightened the adjustable part of the arm enough?? Had anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions would be welcome! Thanks
  10. Well yeah, in a nutshell. Probably keep the rear speakers as 6.5" though. With the sub, I'm thinking of buying a decent 10" sub, then see how it would sound running through the original Bose amp/wiring first. If it sounds poor, then I'll bypass the OEM amp and buy a decent amp to fit into the passenger glove box and re-wire. Only thing I need to establish is the depth on door speakers on OEM mounts, then see what I can buy without too much modding, just anything is better than the standard speakers.
  11. So 6.5" all round, mm was wondering what depth the doors were.. might have to bite the bullet and find out for myself!
  12. Been covered I expect a few times now.. But I cannot find the thread no matter how hard I look or search!! Can someone please tell me the dimensions for the front door and rear speakers please, I wanna start my audio upgrade, but want it all here ready first as its my daily drive... Thanks guys!
  13. Little update, fitted the newly polished plenum this week - many thanks to MopedMark. The quality of his work is brilliant!
  14. Oh really? Oops sorry guys didn't realise!
  15. Yeah its Marvels "new" opening sequence for all their films now..
  16. Yea you're right, there's a car chase seen in the city and a 370Z is on the back of a low-loader... then it gets blown up!
  17. I meant DVD release was this week, I wouldn't of been able to pause it in the cinema lol!
  18. Now you've probably all seen that Captain America 2 was released this week... Any Marvel or film fan with a keen eye may have already seen this, but if not then here it is. The new Marvel open sequence to they're logo features a ZED!!! Very quickly had to pause it but here it is...
  19. Put me down for one please Mark!
  20. Hmmm. could be an expensive next move then! Cheers guys, appreciate the comments!
  21. Mmm.. Was playing with the idea of a black Plenum and matching covers..
  22. So here it is now.. I'd like peoples opinions on what I should do with the battery/brake covers and the plenum..? If anything at all?
  23. Where we down to on the list then Mark?
  24. RichCox350Z

    Camber arms

    Does anyone have some rear adjustable Camber arms for an 05 350z for sale? New or hardly used would be preferred! Thanks in advance!!
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