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Everything posted by dannybz

  1. Thats not all that bad then really.
  2. how much is the road tax on the HR compared to the DE?
  3. H dev looks like a great place but they are 155 miles from me. Well my local guy said he would do it for £250 but the last time i took my car he left an oil stain on the plenum.... hmmmm
  4. It will need a lift? really so axle stands will be no good? I have called a few garages around mansfield area and none of them were willing to do a replacement on the zed? one said it was a big job and could take at least 9 hours and not something they would do. My only option so far is the mobile mechanic as the clutch is pretty bad like i said and no garage seems to want to do it anyway!
  5. My clutch has pretty much completely gone, I dont even think it's good enough to drive to the garage! so thinking of getting a mobile mechanic out to fit it, are they fairly easy to install for a mechanic?
  6. yeah kinda agree actually... looks more suited for American roads the GTR.
  7. what about a GTR guys? what do you think to them?
  8. I think you might have missed the point of the poll Yep, I can understand most people voting for the car they have as they probably bought the car they wanted, however if you've got one and you want the other then surely you should vote for the other? I think the 370z has grown on me a lot... i'm thinking about selling up already and getting the 370.... i've only had my 350 for about 8 months. I still think the 350 kinda looks slightly better standard... perhaps... but i think with some cool styling to the 370 it would look a lot more meaner and a newer look... that's what i am thinking. OOOOOOSHHHHHHH i think i just jizzed myself. That's it 350 going up for sale asap
  9. From what i have already read excedy seems to be a popular choice... mine has gone and looking to get one fitted asap
  10. Did they supply the clutch and flywheel for that?? Edit - Ignore just seen the post saying you did supply it. 400 does sound steep!
  11. Wasso? i assume thats a member on here.
  12. Well the sun is out but I'm gutted atmo as my car needs a new clutch slipping badly... so cant drive until it gets fitted! arghhhhhhhh
  13. platic lol anyway the guy who did the oil change had run out of paper so couldnt print an invoice so said to pay the following week as i was having more done, so i have not paid him yet... dont think i am gonna bother going back either. I just feel like my car had been a little neglected and he did not even mention it or anything. Furious. Spose i could buy a new plenum or one of those chromed ones, does anyone sell them on here?
  14. spot on... i'll probably be in touch then mate just waiting for a call back first from a garage that will fit it and curious to see how much they supply one for. Are the exedy kits good performing clutch's?
  15. Well there are other sellers http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350-Z-3-5-Exedy-3-Piece-Clutch-Kit-Inc-Bearing-/301022059565?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4616501c2d
  16. Can anyone tell me if this clutch kit is a good choice?
  17. Funnily enough, i was looking into importing these, i own an importing business that's what i do but currently just focus selling GPS systems.
  18. Just wondering, what is the difference between a mobile repairer and work being done in a bodyshop apart from the obvious location.
  19. Not far then, I'm in Warsop about 14 miles away
  20. Sweet where abouts are you based in Notts? I live in Notts too
  21. Waiting to hear from the officer as to if there is any footage on the nearby cctv cam.. i highly doubt there will be but you never know.
  22. Funny you mentioned that the copper that went to see him said he was being cocky and arrogant and said he wasn't having it! to*S*er! no paint was found on the trailer the copper said. Wish i had tried harder to pull him over, the thing is, the guy sounded like a bit of trouble... so there was an issue of possible getting into a scrap and it was in the middle of the night not many people around to witness. What are you supposed to do? Another thing the trailer was a different plate to the car which is apparently illegal. Does the damage look bad in your opinion, it doesn't look as bad in the pic tbh.
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