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Everything posted by bytespc

  1. bytespc

    Clutch ?

    Yep both fans kick in as they should , thanks for the comments though.
  2. woah that's almost exactly what mine did and my initial thought process as well until the M25 yesterday, honestly get it checked out , mine is fortunately being fixed under Warranty
  3. bytespc

    Clutch ?

    UPDATE : Went to my dealer ( Cars Of Chichester ) being fixed under Warranty no quibbles just positive affirmative action. Really cant praise them enough ( thanks Chris )
  4. bytespc

    Clutch ?

    OK as the car is still under warranty is this covered ?, surely wouldn't hurt to ask ?
  5. bytespc

    Clutch ?

    Hi peeps, just driven back via the most fraught m25 journey ever, stop start stop start and the pedal went right to the floor, still had bite and pull but just really short pedal, finally got into fast traffic on the A3 and the pedal returned and fine all the way home, is this just my car telling me to replace my clutch fluid ? Thanks in advance
  6. I hope this is allowed : I would like t say a big thank you to Cars Of Chichester for there sterling after sales service, basically I bought my Z from them a fortnight ago ( in the rain ) I knew you aren't supposed to but hey ho, anyway it turns out the car has severe chip / roof dent issues, today they agreed to re spray the bonnet / roof / tailgate as a token of good will they even recommended Abbey MS for my servicing requirements.. Proper made up
  7. what car did you go for in the end and why didn't you buy this one ?
  8. Thanks for the info I have ordered a gtechniq cloth now so next week we will see what the results are
  9. Hmmmmm vague , having read an awful lot of good things about them on here I was considering them but now I don't know
  10. Do you have a problem with Abbey ?, if so what and should I be worried if I use them ?
  11. Chichester is the area I'm in....going to have to fork out for professional detailing as mine has been well abused looks like a drunk chimp has swirled it all over and some weird water marks on the bonnet that don't come of with a wash
  12. Hi peeps who is best for service in my area ? as come November I have the P3 to do and want to also have the box and diff / brake and clutch fluids changed as well so going to be a biggy
  13. hmmmmmmm isn't one down here...b....uritt anymore suggestions ?
  14. Question : what's the best micro fibre cloth for drying ?
  15. yep worked a treat as did the foam attachment that came with and the mits got rid oft the fly's and bugs, now all sparkly for five mins
  16. Just the car version it seems Halfords have an offer on at the moment so off to have a look, any prefrences on washing stuff or is Demon Foam and Shine any good ?, bear in mind I'm disabled so looking fir the easiest and best long term money saving solution as £ 7.59 a pop and £ 35.00 for a valet soon adds up. Ta
  17. Brodit for me they are discrete and the same colour as the dash plus they come in two parts so you can transfer from car to car with the addition of another mount, they aren't cheap but love mine and it's powered and tilt and swivel.
  18. really.......not round here, must just be lucky, the dodgy parts here are Tesco...phetewie or Sainsbury's double phetewie
  19. It'll never catch on......
  20. Obviously only small roundabouts round your way then
  21. Never take a Z to Asda's car park If its anything like the ones near me, you won't be able to get in the drivers door and a trolley will be resting on your boot! Live in a rough area then
  22. The sliding is not an issue if you pack correctly and don't do third gear roundabout maneuvers.
  23. But waitrose is so yesterday
  24. Not an issue for me being a disabled Z driver but can understand your concerns
  25. Well we've just done our weekly shop at Asda and there's bags of room in the boot, after reading some of the post's on here I thought it was going to be an issue but none of it, yet another reason to always take the Z
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