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Everything posted by bytespc

  1. Just caught the nearside rim guard.....grrrrrrrrrr
  2. Feel your pain.....happened to me admittedly years ago with a straight 6 Zephyr beutiful car rolled it but it only had superficial scrapes and two front wings where she dug in, had no where to put her so watched her towed away ...4 days later she was picked clean all I git back was a carrier bag of tapes.....
  3. The pic is in the Beaulieu thread I started and I posted the pic Glad the mrs is fine
  4. All the spacer info is in the pic above the wheels are also run by another member on here they are 20" Finichi Firenze
  5. OK sorry for being a noobie with this but having never had them on a car before its all new too me, should they also only fit one way as the one I took a picture of the writing is back to front ? , turned the pic before posting.
  6. So the spacers should be secured wuth the original nuts ?
  7. There you go guys all the info from my fitted spacers on the front of my Z, as they are 7 years old could that also be a contributing factor ? Thanks Guys
  8. I have been reading several threads and to be honest my head hurts I think mine are 25mm ? the member with the info I cant for the life of me remember his name ( twin turbo Z ) did mention that maybe I should go smaller and having again read these threads it looks to me like Eibach are the way to go ? are they available in the UK or will I have to order online, obviously I will check my existing spacers for info as I remember at least one has visible specs.
  9. See a little knowledge is indeed a dangerous thing, during our meet today I mentioned my floaty feel on the front of my Z and it was pointed out that I have a HUGE size spacer on the front and that this is known to cause my symptoms, oddly though thinking about it I only noticed it after having the wheels balanced, Question can the spacer bolts become loose when taking the wheel off with a windy ?, should I return to said wheel emporium and insist they check ?. I need help here guys
  10. Wondered where you gone Josh, great to meet you .
  11. What a day...rain to start but then glorious sunshine...wonderful cars and good company, a pleasure meeting you all. Doug & Dilys
  12. Yay...are you coming to Beaulieu ?
  13. That explains it, shame would have been good to meet up maybe another time.
  14. So your Z is Orange ?, have seen it parked. Which firm you work for ?, a dealer or one of the industrial places. Small world, you going to Beulie on Sunday if so will see you there.
  15. where in West Sussex are you then ? I'm in Bracklesham Bay
  16. Didn't even know I had one...no audio book came with the car
  17. Hmmm most fm stations are fineish its mainly radio 2....
  18. Its the standard one I think having not got one to compare with...its radio 2 thats the problem....
  19. OK...having a GT pack car and the Bose...shudder...damn thing has never worked right and yes I have read all about the fixes etc etc Question is the radio reception really this bad unless you change the aerial ?
  20. Saw two black 350s leaving wittering yesterday in my black 350 it was a bit like the twilight zone
  21. Definitely not in my head more like the seat if my pants. Definite improvement, which I could find the tire load / size / pressure info as its a deffo read imho
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