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Everything posted by Swiftyy

  1. Are the clips etc in tack? So just needs smoothing and respraying?
  2. I was looking for one of these a month ago but now I've spent the money lol. GLWTS bud! If I manage to get the funds together I would have if off you but with Christmas so close lol
  3. Thanks guys! Yeah just spoke to my friend and he told me it's a lifetime in tank filter. On the pads.. Are they on shelf ready to go? And shipping cost? Been quoted £77 for the pads at a local store and £105 for a service kit
  4. Yeah I was on the CS website and they got most of the things I need apart from fuel filter? Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the yellow stuff pads come with the backing shims? I don't have any in the rear brembos and they noisey as hell lol.
  5. Looking for a supplier for EBC Yellow Stuff rear pads to match up with my DBA T2 discs. Also looking to do a service.. Oil filter, fuel filter, engine oil, spark plugs..
  6. Got a quote from an eBay retailer for £402.35 posted to the UK. Just he risk of damage is putting me off
  7. If I don't have one by then I will be down for that for sure! Surely there are more people out there that want to run one of these
  8. It is indeed my friend. Chris also has it on his They got theirs in a group buy which unfortunately happened before I got my 50 lol I know it's a long shot someone selling theirs but worth a try lol
  9. Yeah I'm aware they do international shipping but am worried about it getting damaged on its way over to the UK plus I believe shopping is quite hefty
  10. Looking for a Megan Drift Spoiler. Thought I would post this up in case someone has one for sale. Drop me a PM if you do as I would take it off you I know these are imported so I doubt there are any in stock in the UK.
  11. Tyres SOLD. I still have the OEM stuff available but they are on eBay I haven't got any pictures with my forum name on so won't be posting here.
  12. I'll drop you a PM with my number. Sorry I've taken a while! Had to go to hospital so not been on here
  13. Where abouts are you mate? And anything wrong with it? Been fitted?
  14. Is this still available? If so where was it purchased from? Is it a Tarmac Sportz one?
  15. Forgot to mention I'm now willing to post these. Try me with an offer. Only so many times you can stub your toe on them in the morning lol
  16. Someone make me an offer on these wheels, need them gone. Tyres £100 if gone this weekend
  17. 18's bud. Thought I wrote it on the advert but obviously didn't lol. Doh!
  18. Scratch that lol. I've messaged him for a quote
  19. £139.99 for international. I believe that to be supplied and shipped. If my wheels or exhaust sell this month I will buy one and let you know what they're like
  20. Just found on on eBay from the U.S. Will have to enquire about shipping costs
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