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Everything posted by Swiftyy

  1. Not what I wanted to hear lol. I will have to give them a go and if they still don't adjust far enough I will have to look into toe arms. I have to run camber to get the wheels in the arches. Being 12j ET0 they poke quite a bit. Do you have any of these items Alex? Thanks again, you've been a godsend since I started playing with the zed
  2. That is normal. I thought as much. Would the cam bolts be the answer? Anything else you can suggest? Thanks in advance Zmanalex!
  3. Camber arm looks like it can only go on one way?
  4. I see the boys state side used toe rods on their 350z's to adjust camber back into spec but they are running HUGE camber! Yeah I'm hoping the cam bolts will be enough adjustment so I can run enough camber to get the 12j et0 rear wheels inside the arch. We noticed as we adjusted the camber inwards (negative camber) the toe would go out (toe out). On another side note the driftworks toe rods are squeaky as crrrrrrppp!
  5. Not that I know of? Alignment was fine when I had my LMGT4's on. It only seems to kick it out when we apply negative camber?
  6. When it was horrendously toeing out under high camber it would snake down the road at 20mph. Now we have reduced the camber till we can get more toe adjustment it feels light steering as if it's going to loose grip at 70-80mph. I'm hoping the cam bolts that go in the rear will be enough adjustment
  7. Because of the way it handles and it is visible that it's toeing out. It's not just from a wheel swap. I mentioned we cambered the wheels in to get them inside the arches. Sorry if I didn't give enough information. It's lowered a fair bit on HSD coilovers, drift works camber arms and toe rods. Wondering if the cam bolts will be what I'm missing to get the alignment back (apart from I will be running camber)
  8. So after fitting my 10j fronts and 12j rears we rolled the arches and cambered them in to get them to fit. Only issue I'm having is the rears have some major toe out issues. So to try and resolve this I bought the DriftWorks toe rods. NADA! So we have reduced the camber for now but is still toeing out slightly to the point that 80mph feels really light. I'm looking at getting the cam bolts but wondered if these would give me the adjustment I need to correct the toe out on the rear. Any advice will be much appreciated
  9. Was brilliant meeting you and your friend yesterday. Ended up spending most of the day with you both. Had some truly great banter and think the pair of you are top lads! A big thank you to 370Ad for organising the stand and the convoy up! Must say the convoy was AWESOME! Brilliant turn out and already buzzing for next year! Nice meeting people throughout the day and I apologise to anyone I spoke to that didn't get a lot of sense out of me lol. Was on a night shift all night and went straight to Reading services after work to convoy down with everyone. Hope to see the same turnout at Trax!
  10. Not upset me at all lad. Was just seeking advice from people who have fitted wide wheels. Had a lot of progress today and almost got them fitted. A roll all round and a flare on the rear will get these to fit
  11. I never said I didn't want to run camber? I said I wasn't expecting to run as much camber. Or at least that is what I was meant to say. Besides the point I was asking for advice, not ignorant comments.
  12. I was using the rim tuck website and a few people was using 235's on the front which is why I went for this size as now fitted I agree it is hella stretched. Looking to go 245/40R18 on the front once these wear down. I'm hoping to add a little more camber on the rear to clear the lip till its rolled and run my dampening hard. You think my rear arches will need flaring?
  13. There's some pictures to give you an idea. I wasn't planning on running big camber but have no choice at this moment in time. I believe I will need a flare on the rear arches to give the extra bit of room. Just after some advice from people who have run wide wheels and stretch with me front tyre leaking air
  14. They are 100% ET0 12J mate. I ordered them from Driftworks and they said that they would fit.. I'm just waiting for the pictures to upload to photo bucket and will get better pictures tomorrow. Got a huge amount of camber on the rears already
  15. So I have fitted the wheels finally but having problems and in need of some advice. Wheel specs: Fronts - 10j ET12 235/35R18 Rears - 12j ET0 275/35R18 Problem I'm having is one of the front tyres leak air but the other doesn't? And the tears are pretty much sat on the arch. I'm going to be having the arches rolled but thinking the tears may need a flare with them being ET0.. I have some pictures I quickly took but will get more tomorrow when we are in to try get the tyre to seal and get the rears I the arches till I get them rolled. Any advice or ideas will be brilliant!
  16. I've now paid Looking forward to this event right after Japfest! Thank you for confirming also!
  17. Driftworks don't have them in stock till 15th may which is too late for me due to trying to get everything set up for Japfest lol. I have sorted it with Clark Motorsport now and will have a set of Eibach on the way
  18. PM'd I just hate going on at people specially when they might be busy lol
  19. Hate bugging people lol. I'll drop them a pm non the less
  20. Neither have got back to me. Nothing wrong with them at all. Zmanalex has been an absolute saviour in the past!
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