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  1. hi... mines for sale i havent advertised it yet, going to advrtise it over weekend,im looking for £9500 though its excellent car with lots spent on it... if you go on photos & search my lady you will see it ? its an amazing car with the looks & power... cheers the animal !!!
  2. Afternoon all... hope you are all well !!! last week i washed, polished, & waxed my 350z fairlady ( only had it for just three weeks now) as you can see from avatar its gloss white finish, now i used meguiars 3 step system, if any of you have used it you will no that the last step the waxing the wax is liquid form & not a paste, this z is the first white car ive had i wasnt impressed with the wax at all, im asking all you other guys & gals what kind of wax would be for my z........... Thanks the animal !!!
  3. That rear wing would look gud on my zed !!!Mmmmmm decisions
  4. welcome mate... in my opionion most fast jap cars are good cars...... better than any ford,vauxhall etc
  5. welcome to the land of zed nice car !! you need some kiln dried sand in them blocks ( driveway ) they would look much better.......
  6. welcome mate... civic type r's are fantastic little car i used to have one not your shape one the one before EP3 i had supercharger fitted over 300bhp it was awesome,then i had bmw m3 total change..... i love fast jap cars, ive had supra,evo 7 & 8, subaru classic, subaru p1 & sti 8, nissan 200sx all fantastic cars now i have the z, i love it such fun & wow factor......
  7. yes there great seats they are very comfy too & hold you in well...
  8. lol.........you no more than me & i own & drive it !!! ha ha
  9. I would have love to but im in work tommorrow i work 4 on 4 off and tomorrow is my first shift Damm it !! Thanks for invite though........
  10. yes it was ikarus, dave mason i believe all the reciepts i have have his name etc on them !! he still has his member name on here
  11. Thanks for all your kind remarks.... she is a very smart looking car people look at it everywhere we go... & if they dont look i just give the throttle a little tap there heads soon turn around !!! its sounds amazing & looks even better in the flesh pics dont really show it justice... unfortuanetly i havent done any of the work to it we have just bought it like it is... all ive done is cleaned,polished & waxed it !! i will look after it very well & when theres a meeting near shropshire ill be sure to come to it !!! Thanks again lads & girls... THE ANIMAL
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