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Everything posted by nissanjuke

  1. pedal dance not working for me,somebody else has said disconnect negative for 10 mins. any other idea??????
  2. light came on.have checked everything,nothing seems wrong,does anybody have any tips to get this light off,only last week ,airbag lights came on,but was able to fix it,thanks to the lads at the forum. my car is a 2005 350z. any tips
  3. let me know how you get on. cheers
  4. all prices where quoted on the ebay site,I reckon price is £40 let me know as I will order too
  5. thanks at that price I will be ordering next month,£40.00,i don't think anybody will beat that. cheers
  6. CMCK13 I have looked at these on ebay and at about £40.00 from usa -are they a good fit???? cheers
  7. ok its a plan stan chees ,haks for all your help
  8. nissanjuke


    thinking of ditching eyebrows and putting silver stripe on bonnet contours anyway cheers the noo
  9. ok maybe its my internet explorer ,I will try google chrome cheers
  10. ps I don't know how I got this
  11. have tried again,but no pictures posted,just links,it will not paste pictures into reply box.
  12. nissanjuke


    here are some of my pictures http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b572/nissanjuke1/IMG-20140615-00061_zps07d00e7f.jpg http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b572/nissanjuke1/IMG-20140615-00062_zpsdb540476.jpg http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b572/nissanjuke1/IMG-20140615-00059_zps9344dcfa.jpg
  13. I will try this photobcket click picture,click img,paste into whte box but its doing my head in as its no happening I will tryagain my system is widows 8.1 :wacko:
  14. click on image on your reply box and a box comes up click on img it copies photobucket paste it into small box press ok nohing happens but t will paste file into topic box/smaller box but nothing happens :wacko:
  15. sorry lads its not working,every time I paste the link into url box press copy nothing happens pc freezes. tried to paste it into txt box no work paste into title box code cme up getting frusrted
  16. thread ,what box do you paste it into sorry
  17. pictures not moving across. is it me or my pc clicked onto direct link paste into url box click ok nothing happens using windows 8.1 internet explorer photobucket I will photo??????
  18. where do I get one of these plenum
  19. chris like your engine bay,where did you get your stuff done????????
  20. thanks z fanatic ,just done the you tube thing and it worked thank you
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