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Everything posted by nissanjuke

  1. Thanks for all the lovely comments
  2. Better late than never,hope this will be a good year for everybody,and more ideas for our zeds,which will empty our wallets!
  3. nissanjuke

    EPR nuts?

    grlnet,where did you get your front steel/chrome grill
  4. merry xmas and happy new year to all members. Ive done enough this year. next year will be front and back bumper ,brakes and oil change. everybody have a nice one!
  5. I know the feeling,my parts have came from England,China,and America. If your interested PPOD,give me a pm and I will give you my mobile number for a chat.
  6. Cheers,do you have a photo of where you have mounted your phone,and I take it does,nt bounce off when you go over pot holes etc.
  7. nissanjuke

    Phone clip

    looking to fit a clip for my mobile phone,dont want it suckered on windscreen,any suggestions?
  8. I use autoglym products to clean engine down and good clean cotton cloths. I have only had the engine bay jet washed once,but as soon as it was jet washed I took car for a wee run to dry it out-no problems.
  9. Love the style ,not too keen on nismo badge,but its the dogs bolloks mate
  10. Cleaned my engine bay today,and got the car undersealed with wax,no major problems,car is very heathly underneath,clean bill of health very happy
  11. Its worth giving it a try,anybody interested?
  12. I would be looking to rent a small unit,we would sell parts and extras,and tune z,eds ,we could become SCOTLANDS first Z centre,. pm me for a quick chat if you are interested.
  13. Any of the glasgow boys interested in opening up a jap performance shop. pm me cheers
  14. Thanks for all the comments lads,I do get carried away,but what the hell ,you make mistakes as you go along thats what happens when you are ill,this z bug is terrible!
  15. nissanjuke


    Just added some trim to air vents,and cleaned up interior :D
  16. My thoughts,make it simple,put sat nav in cubby hole at top from halfords,I used a 5"garmin. change your bottom unit if you want,but I have an ipod hack,as I like my bose system.
  17. £38.00 delivered bought on ebay-good quality.
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