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Everything posted by nissanjuke

  1. Spotted a nice black 350z in east kilbride, gt coupe ,reg last 3 letters I think was BRK. It had orange seats,anybody on here as you do not see a lot of 350z on the road.
  2. Mopedmark what would the cost be for plenum,throttlebody and bonnet catch,all polished up, and do yo do any other mods.? CHEERS
  3. welcome nice to see another roadster,my car is a azure blue roadster too. cheers
  4. looking good martybhoy :thumbs:
  5. I do love my car,and really enjoy it with the mods I have,plenum spacer,hfc,milltek,popcharger,dp throttle contol,uprev,spending big money like £5000 and upwards,I rather save and get a 370 white or yellow roadster if possible, once I sell my roadster. cheers everybody for the advice
  6. its a 2005 model with 40,000 miles on it. cheers
  7. yes ,CHRIS AT DYNAMIC TUNING, done the rev up.
  8. GRUNDY,what exhaust would yo advise for 2005 roadster,I have a milltek with hfc.s at present.
  9. I have miltek exhaust,hfc,s,pop charger,plenum spacer,uprev, what would the next stage be without going FI, KINETIX RACING have said they have developed a new one and gives NA CARS 30bhp increase, is this bollocks?
  10. cheers for that, what would the next stage be to get more power as I DO NOT WANT TO GO DOWN FI.
  11. Has anybody on the forum fitted the above to a DE model 350 z, if so can you give me your opinion on them,as I dont want to fit forced induction as I would like to get a 370 roadster next, saving up just now.
  12. I have a miltek exhaust with popcharger,love the rubble when you open it ,feel like I,m in a supercar like the aston ,martin I WISH!
  13. I know how you feel,I had the same problem picking up a 350 roadster and the forum helped me,by the way simon does all my work as well, and I use Chris at tarmac and Chris at dynamic tuning in east kilbride. CHEERS
  15. nice one! cant believe the bentleys and rolls royce,s
  16. will you be bringing in the new velocity intake manifold by kinetix racing cheers
  17. I know one to chris at dynamic tuning or infiniti glasgow
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