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About one-eyed-king

  • Birthday 25/02/1965


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Z Hopeful

Z Hopeful (2/7)



  1. Yes Shame to let her go went for a bargain
  2. I would have advertised on the forum but rules say you need 100 posts would have been good to keep the zed in the club with another member
  3. Cheers reluctant sale due to change of circumstances
  4. Sorry all i won’t be along this weekend I have put the zed up for sale so it may be gone by the weekend
  5. If you do let me know maybe we can convoy down together
  6. Thanks had her for 6 years now it’s been a great zed
  7. Nice looking zed in the best colour welcome aboard
  8. Welcome aboard nice zed with good looking wheels
  9. If Leicester lockdown is lifted I’ll be up for this. Fingers crossed
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