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Everything posted by Biggunsss

  1. Do they still have to cut the original arches if you get it bolted on ??
  2. How much did it cost to get the metal arches done??
  3. What if I get the body kit with out the arches will it look good still?did you guys get the arches bolted on or got them put on properly ?
  4. Better with or with out the wide arches I'm just worried that' these arches will allways need replacing ??
  5. Veilside3 wide arch body kit
  6. Just wondering if I should by this body kit without the arches?will it still look ok!and also weres the best place to get it and get the kit fitted?if I did buy it with wide arches should I get it bolted on or get it fitted properly buy geting the arches removed and fitting the wide ones???
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