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Everything posted by jimmy.farrow7

  1. Shes a beauty you will be smiling every time you drive her for a long while
  2. I have been asked if it is a diesel and if it is a 2 litre also lol haha
  3. Its all gone a bit quiet on here lately has anyone fell out lol
  4. Yeah heaters full blast was worse than having no gauge reading for a week, windows open
  5. Will these be plug and play or will they all need to be wired up
  6. Looking for a genuine rear lip spoiler in good condition, preferably Sunset or black but could be tempted if the price is right.
  7. Welcome along mate, The forum is great if your in need of any help and advice, very friendly bunch on here. What plans have you got for her.
  8. I should be home on 17th september so i think il be back for the next one though
  9. Welcome along buddy, she will keep you smiling i have had mine 18 months now and am still smiling
  10. Yeah Danno try the battery first and then the reprogramme but it can take a few times to get it right.
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