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Everything posted by jimmy.farrow7

  1. Drove past a 03 plate silver Zed on caister by pass yesterday morning around 9am, i have never seen that one before so was like xmas as i know most local Zed owners
  2. I know its a long shots but i need the small rectangular button that opens the cubby as i dismantles mine to dip the cubby door and appear to have misplaced it (misses has cleaned my man room, so its her fault) If anyone has one let me know
  3. Welcome along mate azure's look so nice when they are nice and shiney
  4. How much did it cost to get it re-registered, hows the bumper
  5. How much did it cost to get it re-registered, hows the bumper
  6. I brought one in florida on holiday in June went back to work after the holiday and I got one from work as a safety award lol. Its awesome quality and is good little accessory
  7. I wouldnt mind meeting up after xmas if you fancy it could meet half way if you like maybe get a few more lads involved Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  8. I was thinking about getting an M3 But i think it would be heartbreaking getting rid of my Z, So once i have got my house i will get an m3 aswell WIN WIN situation
  9. Yeah i agree it wasn't an exciting fight but he did what he needed to do
  10. I reckon the bookies took a battering I was on night shift at work and they brought the fight for us but I had klitshcko to win in the 10th in the sweepstake so that went really well
  11. Trial and error for me i reckon, im going to try make something when the weather gets better next year
  12. He done well and deserved the win in my opinion frustrated him
  13. Thats horrible i would be devastated if mine got stolen its like my baby
  14. jimmy.farrow7


    Ahhhh ill keep an eye out for ya
  15. Hello mate welcome along, where abouts in norfolk are you, what plans have you got for the Z
  16. Good effort mate, i was going to do it with my Garmin XL but its too big for the cubby, back to the drawing board
  17. jimmy.farrow7


    No sorry they were black and they have sold anyway
  18. jimmy.farrow7


    Wernt there a GM set for sale week before last James
  19. Thats rubbish news Rob hope you get it all sorted mate
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