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Everything posted by jimmy.farrow7

  1. Seems like a good solution mate even though it shouldnt have come to that in the first place
  2. Spotted you around 9.30/10am this morning gave you a flash and you waved back
  3. Haha its not just you mate happens to the best of us
  4. Good luck mate i hope you get a good outcome and someone gets bollocking as its disgraceful behaviour
  5. Yeah thats a common problem bud like the guys above have said, just change it with a replacement part
  6. Im always drive to humberside through lincoln from norwich and complain i dont see any Zeds at all, this would not be a nice spotted. Glad hes ok though
  7. I must admit it would look better off them
  8. Thats shocking behaviour was it just a coincidence the dash cam was on or did you put it on on purpose
  9. Is it sad that i want a stormtrooper costume after seeing this lol
  10. You not find the button bradders , theres one on eBay atm i have been Stalking
  11. Hello mate and welcome along, the window not dropping can be an easy fix. It could just need resetting which you can do by using a specific sequence of opening and closing the windows, ill try and find it for you and get back to you
  12. Thats beautiful, the 370 aint bad either
  13. Ive got a K&N panel filter done around 2000 miles before i fitted my popcharger
  14. Hello and welcome mate, id like to see some pics of your other cars also
  15. No worries mate im in no rush to sell them ill just keep them if they dont sell
  16. Yes i know there not the lightest thing to package
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