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Everything posted by jimmy.farrow7

  1. How long did it take to get them like that mark is it alot of work involved or just hinges and a bit of tinkering. I would love a GTR also but i do NEED a house and a house for my Z, so i can store all my parts and tools i have laying around and not get moaned at.
  2. How do you get the look /\ from the alloys
  3. How do you get the look /\ from the alloys
  4. I would supercharge mine but i need to buy a house first haha, at least you know what you want to do, I wasnt modifying mine when I got it, that soon changed.
  5. Never used one but i might try it if i can find a second hand speedo to be a test subject
  6. Just wondered if you can change the colour of the speedo and cluster if so is it an easy to do
  7. When you planning on getting a 350 Georgina
  8. I have seen marks i havent seen another thats had it done, Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  9. Yeah i started one a while ago when i come back from florida. I think they would look better on a 350z than a saxo or corsa thoughhaha Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  10. Not for me bud lambo doors should be put on a lambo
  11. The windows not dropping can be reset using a specific sequence normally so it isn't a major problem unless the motors have gone, when i got mine they dropped but didnt go back up now they are fine
  12. Ive just brought some alloys and things also, cannot wait until i come home next time
  13. Thats awesome and unique i like it, i will have to visit the Zed shed one day
  14. I got some proper cement with the kit, just want to paint it all properly and do it nicely , little project when i come home from offshore
  15. Wherw is your fairlady Z one from i want that aswell lol
  16. Just realised you have the same bday as me GM
  17. Im gnna pop to the model shop and get a17 paint, gnna sort out paint for the calipers, alloys and other bits also
  18. Woke up this morning and in my xmas stocking i got this. 350z model to make, lots of small parts and japanese instructions. Wish me luck!!
  19. That looks lovely red i have never seen a red Zed in the flesh very smart
  20. Merry xmas to everyone from me the wife and the dogs
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