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Everything posted by Martinjj

  1. Here's one for someone who has gone as far as they can modding their Zed, Now you can apply some "Zedification" to your coffee table, starting at 99p http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Limited-Edition-Nissan-350Z-Chess-Set-/161396301966?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2593f8208e
  2. No harm in trying a pedal dance but the chances of reset/relearn curing it are virtually nil, (so is Nissan hooking up to consult and resetting).. trust me, been there, seen it and done it, this problem is a pig to cure on HR models... plenty of info out there on Google for this problem with HR Zeds including using new throttle bodies which is more miss than hit,
  3. From sending the ECU away to getting the car back from the dealer it was around 2 weeks give or take a day. I'm unsure of cost as it was covered by the warranty. Car runs like a missile now, faultless, contact Mark at abbey motorsports as he is the fellow that my dealer used to fix mine.
  4. From sending the ECU away to getting the car back from the dealer it was around 2 weeks give or take a day. I'm unsure of cost as it was covered by the warranty. Car runs like a missile now, faultless, contact Mark at abbey motorsports as he is the fellow that my dealer used to fix mine.
  5. Did you disconnect battery before removing the throttle bodies?... Did you move the butterfly valve inside the throttle body when cleaning them? http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/86610-high-erratic-idle-2007-coupe-70k-mileage/page__fromsearch__1
  6. i do seem to recall a member from here saying that in the next couple of months they will be selling their Nismo exhaust on here, cant remember who it was though and in which thread they mentioned it
  7. I think there are 2 types of Nismo exhaust for the 350z, one is a standard Nismo that came with Nismo edition zed and the other is Nismo s tune, not 100% sure though
  8. There is one for sale right now on ebay.com (not co.uk) does not say whether seller will ship to UK, but if you have $1500 and are prepared to pay shipping and import costs on top of the buy it now price then there is no harm in asking if he will ship. Exhaust is off a 2008 zed and looks in good condition, cant say if its a direct fit to yours or whether you may need a bit of fabricating here and there.
  9. Im actually after a base myself, mines looking very tired and the coating has wore off in places, how much did Nissan quote for a brand spanker if you dont mind me asking?
  10. Yeah i've seen toothpaste is an option, couple of Youtube videos on people using it, pretty impressive results for low cost and a bit of elbow grease..
  11. That's a kind gesture Will, thanks very much, I will certainly keep you in mind should there be something I need from one of these places, as it is I was just being curious as to what savings could be made. I found some great online used car parts places in Japan last night, you know the kind like we have here where dealers from all over the UK are emailed what you are looking for. It's amazing what boredom can drive a man to google... Ps, could probs be a good idea to remove your email addy so it doesn't end up being a spam target... Thanks again
  12. Thanks for that choptop, I've found an even better Japanese auction site that is chockablock with zed stuff, page after page www.buyee.jp even a Nismo exhaust for DE on there @ roughly £230 and English translation. I understand about import fees and shipping as up until recently I used to import ecigs on a monthly basis from China where DHL air frieght would cost me around $150 USD. Might be worth firing off an email to one of the specialist importers based over here to find out about wiring looms and such like, £300 for a brand new OEM headlight for late model Zeds ain't to be sniffed at if it fits ok, let's say with duty and freight £500 or so it's still cheaper than 700-950 like I can find over here.
  13. Probs best to take it to an Apple store or your phone company for a once over... Reminds me of a mate of mine a few years ago, he had problems with the volume coming through the ear piece on his Nokia, so he took it to bits at work and blew compressed air into it to blow out the dust... not his smartest move, totally obliterated his phone and brought a whole new meaning to "Blowing things up"
  14. Ahhhh just realised if i scroll over the links on the page i can work out what they are by looking at the bottom of my screen,
  15. Dumb question but have you got the ringer silence switch "on", same happened to me for a few days i was missing calls and after Googling saw that the switch was set to "Silent", must have flicked it on while in my pocket or something
  16. Yeah i got all that before, but the English bit shows no price at all or whether its a BIN or Auction, I actually have a feeling its a USA company listing on Ebay Japan, so the unit would be no good over here.
  17. OK, the Japanese folks drive on the left side of the road, so therefore i figure that their Headlights are pitched the same as ours, so i decided to go on Ebay Japan... http://www.sekaimon.com basically because i am bored rigid! whilst their i am browsing Zed stuff for HR 350's (namely headlights). Anyway my Spanish is good, my Japanese is nil and my English is questionable being a Yorkie, but the OEM headlights seem remarkably cheap at just a shade over £220 per unit, but i can't work out whether its a buy it now or if that is the highest bid, i seem to recall that over here they run at around £700 a lamp (maybe it was a dream) for 06-09 models. So do we have anyone who can translate so we can have a definite answer please?. Heres a link to a driver side lamp: http://www.sekaimon.com/i361017529861 PS: i have already looked for Tommy K badges.. there are none..lol
  18. When peeps ask me why am i smiling so much when i get outta the car i'm just going to point them to this video...
  19. Looks like somebody threw a cup-a-soup... Ouch
  20. Wonder if they can be used for Number plate reading once the new road tax changes kick in..
  21. Sponges suck! .... literaly lambswool mitts are great, even got a fly scraper offy kind of thing on mine...
  22. Where those horizontal plates are joining the trusses together it would be very sensible to have the board above it 50/50, ie half the board on one truss and half on the other, joints on top of joints create a weak spot
  23. No need for a suitcase, just put all your stuff in two golf bags...
  24. I had that knob in my 2003 Primera
  25. EDIT, updated with correct information: No, its not transferable, you have to notify DVLA right away the car is sold and the new owner is responsible for tax, Unlike before, motorists who buy a used car will not benefit if there are months left on the tax disc. As a result of this, buyers will have to renew their tax disc instantly, or risk being caught out on the road in an untaxed car. As well as this, the seller of the vehicle is responsible for informing the DVLA of a change of ownership, otherwise they could face a possible £1,000 fine. This can be done by filling out a V5C form and sending it to the DVLA. It is important for all vehicle owners and motorists to find out whether their vehicle was taxed or SORN’d (declared off the road) before driving their new car. You can do this by clicking here. Vehicle sellers will get an automatic refund for any full calendar months left on the vehicle tax. Read more at http://www.westernmo...4IBA6DjcWS6f.99
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