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Everything posted by Martinjj

  1. From a standing start you would expect the Audi to have the upper hand due to being a few hundred kilo lighter, probs be a different story over a longer distance or a rolling start taking into account a considerable power to weight ratio difference.
  2. Martinjj

    Japspeed Cats

    I think Horsham is the company owners surname
  3. Congrats Neilp.. can't beat entering a "Tense one".. lol
  4. I admire your "out of the box" thinking.... But I am inclined to say if there was a bodge of the month award this would surely take some beating.. Haha
  5. With a subtle change to your plate you could actually make the most of your number plate and add to its value. And then you could put it down as your "Mod for the day"
  6. I can imagine how you feel, irresponsible dog owners are a pita...
  7. Laid on the sofa contemplating what to have for tea, Fajitas or treat myself to a 14" deep pan hot and spicy with a medium portion of Kebab meat as a side dish, (smothered in Chilli sauce)
  8. Tortoise shells can be repaired with fibreglass mesh if there are pieces missing, cracked shells can be glued, guess its better on larger tortoises than ones that are still growing. I would say it takes a specialist vet though. Sorry to say though but because of the animals slow metabolism if the tortoise is really badly injured then it could be a slow process until the inevitable happens, your vet will advise you of the kindest possible treatment. Good luck
  9. Dunno yet, probs hang onto them if resale value is low (which they will be with 70k miles on them), at least then if i ever sell the zed i can revert the cats back to stock and get more for the Berks due to them having lower mileage and being a sought after item...
  10. Cats from deisel engines are worth more, seem to recall they have substantially more platinum in them than petrol engine cats
  11. Welcome, enjoy your shopping.. Night Blue is the fastest colour
  12. Jeeez,,, i knew it was gonna be expensive due to the fact the only place i have seen it advertised was on Sky News, but a million quid!.. ouch..
  13. The Innokin 134 in my opinion is the best vaping tool i have ever tried and i have worked my way through most of the top brands, coupled up with an iclear30 s tank, i have it set to vape at 9 watts and the taste and clouds of vape are fantastic. I make my own eliquid (fruit flavours for me) though, because i'm dubious on a lot of the shop bought/car boot stuff, i used to sell around 50 units of Joyetech and Kangertech kits per week at one time buying directly from China, it was then i saw that a heck of a lot of eliquids are made there and exported worldwide and rebranded. Also i can make 30ml for just over a quid and that's to a nicotine content of my choice with "mahoosive" clouds of vape and using Capela natural flavourings (which are not the cheapest). A lot of the shop bought stuff i tried in the early days was just too harsh for me.
  14. Not 100% sure but I think one of the holes in the flywheel is a smaller diameter and this fits onto a locating pin, maybe someone else can clear this up for you though ...
  15. Suppose you could ask Sarah Beenie to visit and put her up the duff in revenge...
  16. This place is more addictive than FarmVille.... Not that I would ever even contemplate playing such a cringeworthy game... Cough cough
  17. Black or night blue, saw you from a distance while I was at the tesco local at the bottom of Fenton Road
  18. Yeah that is the plan, when things calm down at work i will be getting to a few meets, then i stand a good chance of having a live demo, like you say listening to a youtube vid over my laptop at exhaust sounds wont give me a "real" sound.. i know the sound i want, i just need to marry it up to a system, from the reading i have done its either the Ark or Invidia. I do have a feeling the Invidia maybe a tad too quiet for me, a real life experience will be the decider, bottom line is i want a rich deep sound, louder than stock but not asbo inducing. I work day/nightshifts and i fear the unsociable hours coming and going would drive my neighbours nuts otherwise i would have a TDx2 on the list..haha !...
  19. Hope you don't get goosed on it now its gone public...haha
  20. I did a bit of checking on these, they were released when the 350 was launched, going rate is about £50 or thereabouts.. and yes they are shockingly awful..
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