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Everything posted by Martinjj

  1. Have phoned the dealer, all seems good, I have to phone back tomorrow morning to arrange a pick up and repair.. Thanks all
  2. I have had the car 5 weeks, (bought from a dealer), had an ECU fault that the dealer sorted out without any issues. Anyway, decided on a day at the coast yesterday, great driving all the way there, once driving through the town I pulled up at a red light, footed down the clutch, popped car into first gear and tried to set off, nothing.. Clutch pedal would not return up, so out get the mrs and I and push the car out of the way, noticing quite a bit of fluid deposited on the floor that looked like it came from beneath the passenger side. (Car is a 2007 HR). Green Flag took us home, the car is now parked on the driveway and is totally useless. Green Flag have said that they will pick up the car once I arrange a garage and take it there as part of the service seeing as I broke down at the weekend. My question is shall I take it straight back to the dealer and have them fix it (which is what I want to do) or will they give me the "wear and tear" bull crud? Or shall I bite the bullet and just dip into my own pockets and sort it out myself? Will it be covered by dealer warranty? Also the car came with 3 month RAC warranty , if the dealer chokes at the thought of repair would RAC cover it. Yours faithfully A bloke slightly miffed!
  3. Not mine but my Dad's.. 40 or so years ago Mum, Dad and myself were in the car, i can't recall why but Mum and Dad were having a bit of a barney, anyway Dad's concentration lapses and he pulls out at a roundabout and "CRUNCH!" we have a car bouncing off our front end.. no one hurt. Dad's fault. 3 weeks later at the same roundabout.. Dad's got right away of way and he's tootling round the roundabout, "CRUNCH!".it's now Dad's turn to bury his car in the front end of the very same bloke from just 3 weeks earlier... For some strange reason after that my Dad would drive out of his way just to avoid that place... :
  4. Thanks to all for the input and advice, since I made the thread I contacted a local pro detailer who has been down and had a look and gone over each panel with his paint thickness tester as there is a slight orange peeling in a couple of places ( bonnet and OS rear wing ), he seems to think the bonnet has been resprayed at sometime but the OS rear wing he says hasn't , I have seen his work on a couple of mates cars and I can say it's tip top stuff, the cars booked in for a wet sanding to flatten the orange peel, stone chips are gonna be chipexed before the wet sanding so he can go over them while he is sanding, the sunlight has shown up some horrendous hologramming as well as the swirling so he's gonna give it the works after that, watch this space for some before and after pics in a months time. He's quoted 2-3 days to get the job done, but once it's done I have a nice base myself which to carry on from
  5. Im ok with the swirl removal, what i was wondering is if anyone else had an experience with this G3 stuff, apparantly its a "Ceramic Liquid Glass" so i'm guessing that it is pretty tough stuff to work on, so im thinking go with an aggressive approach first and then step down to a less aggressive cut, just looking for some pointers thats all...
  6. Hi there, just a bit of advice please, im itching to get at making my Night Blue zed all nice and wet/glossy asap.. im not new to detailing but its the first time i have come across a car that is covered in G3 Glasscoat http://www.g-3glasscoat.com/ultimate-protection-package (receipts show it was applied to the car in 2011), i can just about say that the only tlc the paint has had since this G3 Glasscoat was applied is probably a quick rub down with a soapy sponge judging by the amount of swirls on it which look quite bad in this sunny weather. Do any of you have previous experience with this G3 Glasscoat stuff and if so how have you gone about it, like i say lots of swirling and due to the Glasscoat stuff im tempted to go a bit aggressive on it and then scale down. Kind of a bit wary and undecided on which product to use... Thanks
  7. This thread is wicked!.. you've got to be off your head to be appreciative of it, i'm subscribed and now looking at things in a totally new light!
  8. Update 07/072014. Just had the phone call i have been waiting for from the dealer, the car is now running as it should do, no surging at idle etc. I am unsure of what had to be done other than the fact the ECU had to be sent overseas which has caused the delay in updating this thread. Many thanks to Mark @ Abbey Motorsport LTD.
  9. Martinjj

    Brake judder

    A good tool to use when changing your own discs is a "Dial Test Indicator" (DTI for short) its a relatively inexpensive tool at around £20 including the stand, really simple to use, once your new discs are fitted you will be able to see high points caused by an uneven mating surface by spinning the disc while the DTI plunger is touching against it. This video is pretty self explanatory of what to do, 1st few seconds are too bright to read DTI , but after that you get to see it properly.
  10. +1 to the above question, i was toying with the idea of having the interior trims Hydro Dipped myself, after seeing these pics and comments regarding how durable the finish is im sold and it is now a deffo on my "to-do" list, providing i can get things apart without causing any high cost inducing damage.
  11. £513 fully comp for me with the same company, 3 years NCB, live in a postcode with 388 reported crimes in April 2014
  12. I believe that the ones in the bottom video were sold as "used" after for around 365 USD by ZLEDs, Do you have any photos of the ones that you have made? Thanks update: I managed to find a recent price list on ZLEDs website for different spec's of front LED, the ones in the 2nd video appear to sell for around £310 if im correct, that does not include shipping and you mail in the reflectors for him to work on..
  13. Funnily enough i have just emailed the guy who makes these, they are absolutely wicked, il keep you posted when he replies regarding costs etc. and for those who want to see them in action, check from 38 seconds into this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj89EOIOywE
  14. Do you have any of these still in stock? and also does payment still go to the same email addy as in the opening post?
  15. Javascript chat modules are notorious for using up server resources and causing intermittent slowdowns when installed onto Invision Power Board, it might be worth having a look at your server logs to see if this is the cause, even when chat is not being used it is still running through its hungry processes in the background. There is definitely something causing the occasional lag/loading issue, though not necessarily the chat module it would be the first place i would look.
  16. I really want to click like on this one but im scared that Karma might take revenge on me for seeing the funny side of someone elses rotten luck...
  17. It's on the splash screen of my fave iPhone game
  18. Update: The mechanic/s at the dealers have thrown in the towel on this one, Throttle bodies have been swapped over and check out ok, No vacuum leak can be found and still no error code/light thrown out via the CEL or by the dealers diagnostics. It is now booked into Nissan to go onto the Consult tomorrow. Dealer did say on the telephone that the mechanic is going down the path of the ECU being corrupted somehow and needing a reflash.
  19. The American guys video, bit long winded as you don't see the issue till near the end. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y-Pmf5wRJo
  20. No Paddy, not done a thing at all apart from take out the MAF sensors for a clean and the Throttle bodies for the same treatment.. Only had the car for 4 days the problem did not show on the test drive just on the way home from the dealers, cold start up revs are fine once engine is hot then the problem shows, some American guy had the same problem (bit worse than mine though) he made a YouTube vid to show the issue, he says he sorted it with a new ECU,
  21. The car goes back to the dealer on Friday, today I went around the hoses and TB's with carb cleaner no change in idle but I swear ( or maybe my ears deceive me) I can hear a slight hissing noise coming from either behind or under the plenum, hard to tell with a v6 rumbling away at the same time
  22. The car goes back to the dealer on Friday, today I went around the hoses and TB's with carb cleaner no change in idle but I swear ( or maybe my ears deceive me) I can hear a slight hissing noise coming from either behind or under the plenum, hard to tell with a v6 rumbling away at the same time
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