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Everything posted by Martinjj

  1. Just had the car in at a local body shop (350z 2007 HR), NIght Blue. Had 2 small dents in the roof a couple of inches in from each of the front corners and a larger dent between these 2 dents, both the smaller dents were noticeable, the larger dent seemed to be a lot worse when the sun was out, took the car in yesterday morning, picked it up this afternoon, the quality of the paint job is superb, colour is a perfect match and the dents are gone. All work came to £190 inc VAT, well happy...
  2. Thats cool.. are you gonna collect deposits once the list is full? .... 1/ Martinjj > Red (350z) 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/
  3. Yo Bradders! does this include delivery?
  4. Mines just down and to the right of the Brake Fluid cover on an aluminium tag.. as i recall its about the 4th line down (cant go and check cos the cars at the sprayers right now having the roof done)
  5. I wouldn't, its been a few years since i practiced the art of analytics and webmaster tools etc, you will get totally unexpected results all the time, its not worth getting hung up about if its just your own personal site and your not trying to rank on Google's first page or so for a specific search. If you are using a blogging platform such as Wordpress, then be sure to keep it updated, (same goes for any plugins).
  6. My initial thought is that your site is now indexed at 2 Google data centre locations, Americas and Europe, hence why no hits from Asia, Africa etc, The 24 hits from Brazil are a little out of scale compared to the rest of the Americas so i would say that some kind of crawler (bot) has been popping in for a nosy or your mum was in Brazil for the World Cup finals..
  7. How old is the website?... does it come up on a Google search... is it a Wordpress platform?
  8. Good job you aint got a hole in your pocket and posted a photo of your jewels.. now that would have been embarrassing..
  9. It took me the best part of 25 years to get to this state of Zen...
  10. I work as a Turner, mainly machining bespoke components for the Gas and Oil sector, typically each component weighs in at around 5 tons before machining and coming out at around 2.5 tons once ready to send to CNC for finishing. All the stuff i machine is Inconel 718 (super alloy), very expensive and hard as nails due to high nickel content so the Lathe has to run really slowwwwwwww, A typical piece can be in the machine up to 3 weeks at a time, occasionally i look at the clock, but it never seems to move although its the right time to the nano second.. I suppose that for 12 hours per shift i just go into a zombie state, i can remember going to work and coming home but the in-between is generally very fuzzy!
  11. These are not mine, i just saw them when browsing ebay, can't say if they are genuine or not as i am not a Nismo officianado, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nismo-Bucket-Seats-with-350Z-mounts-/261546061127?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item3ce55c2d47
  12. Hope you get it sorted... incidently Cleethorpes is a "VooDoo" town to Zeds, thats where my clutch packed in a couple of weeks ago...
  13. All sorted, just picked her up from the dealers, would have been sooner but work got in the way. Problem was a failure with the Concentric Slave Cylinder... Apparently on 2007 models there was a Nissan recall to rectify this problem... But it seems only in Nissan USA from what I can gather
  14. Mine is at the garage now waiting for me to pick it up on Saturday, CSC (concentric slave cylinder),slight difference with mine it just was flat to the floor rather than halfway...
  15. I often see who are probably the greatest double act to ever grace this earth in my local Morrison's supermarket. It really makes my day to be walking alongside the Pizza freezers and bump into ........ The Chuckle Brothers, Rotherham's finest export.
  16. Hiding at the bottom of my lathe... Looks quite a happy thing
  17. Welcome... Use fuel with a minimum 97 octane, pref 98
  18. +1 to the above question, im very interested, but right now (and for the next 2 months or so) the budget wont allow it...
  19. Just a quick question about a few Blackfire products that i have shortlisted for purchase as i have read some great reviews about it. In a nutshell the car is a Night Blue 2007, the polish that i am contemplating using is Blackfire Gloss Enhancing, now this is where i need your input, is it best to then go over this polish with Blackfire Wet Diamond All Finish and stop at that or would there be a benefit in then applying Blackfire BlackIce sealant wax as a final coat, or could i miss out the Wet diamond and just go Polish and BlackIce, trying for a nice wet look with depth and if i can save on buying a product as its not necessary then thats all the better.. Thanks
  20. If the intercepted Russian colonels telephone call/s prove to be authentic (latest breaking news from a Ukranian press conference a few minutes ago ) then it narrows it down significantly, but as per usual in these kind of things its all smoke and mirrors and the truth will probably never see the light of day. Shocking news, again people going about their lives in peace are drawn into someone elses troubles, its a mad sad world..
  21. I hope your right.. only lost a small amount of fluid from the clutch fluid reservoir, looked a lot on the floor but the level is now at minimum line and was creamy white with trapped air in it.. Dealer picks up the car tomorrow..
  22. This is the one that a pro-detailer told me to invest in, http://www.chipex.co.uk/, just pop in the colour code and its made to order. BW5 is my colour too, best colour for a zed
  23. Didn't have any warming with this problem at all, no slipping, noise etc, did feel a slight judder in the gear stick just once which was yesterday half hour or so before the breakdown, receipts that came with the car show a new clutch was fitted less than 2k miles ago... Doesn't show a flywheel though, just a clutch and slave cylinder
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