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Hell presidente

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Everything posted by Hell presidente

  1. Great mind's think alike
  2. Thank's man i will try but it took long enough to work out how to upload a pics so a video could take a while
  3. So i finally got my ARK fitted after it sitting waiting for a month and wow, what a system. Look's so much better than stock and the sound is just epic, just need to get the bumper tucked now. Here's a pic, it's not great but it will do for now.
  4. Going to keep them black for now and may in the future paint a red lip like the orange ones above That would look pretty sick
  5. No worries man you keeping them black or going for a different colour? They look awesome black and with the red bit.
  6. None i'm aware of matey, it's a tight fit but no issues
  7. If the pic worked that's how it sits atm.
  8. TBH not sure, just wound down until it sits nice n low lol.
  9. Exactly the same wheel and tyre set up as me man, no arch work and no scrubbing
  10. Ordered a few bit's for a decent service, engine, gearbox and diff oil mainly, very helpful and great service. Cheers guys, definitely be using Clark Motorsport again.
  11. For anyone that's interested here's Microsoft's Gamescom conference from yesterday.
  12. At least you were old enough to not get nightmares from it haha.
  13. I saw this last night, i turned into a child for a few seconds. I was like 9 when it came out and it scared the bejesus out of me.
  14. Hardline has been delayed until next year matey, looking forward to it myself.
  15. My ARK's going on the following monday
  16. +1 for the Nismo, polished black from redline styling, love it.
  17. I would marry this then run away in it, nowhere with speed bump's obviously
  18. That's pretty cool. I want his life, strolling about Beverly hills with your Veyron parked down the road. Dick lol.
  19. VEYRON! https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@34.069622,-118.403389,3a,75y,93.45h,49.15t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sUaibmQxFY3xWCbKcuKr_xw!2e0
  20. No carrera GT yet but here's a nice Aston Martin DBS. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@34.067538,-118.409709,3a,75y,13.2h,63.31t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sV8cf4xp-dnSI3PtCyHeh9A!2e0
  21. They look sweet Bullet, much drilling of the bonnet needed?
  22. I know i would rather drill through my bonnet than have it fling open at silly(legal) speeds. Knowing my luck it would tear off and hit a plod car or something lol.
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