So i finally got my ARK fitted after it sitting waiting for a month and wow, what a system. Look's so much better than stock and the sound is just epic, just need to get the bumper tucked now.
Here's a pic, it's not great but it will do for now.
Ordered a few bit's for a decent service, engine, gearbox and diff oil mainly, very helpful and great service. Cheers guys, definitely be using Clark Motorsport again.
No carrera GT yet but here's a nice Aston Martin DBS.,-118.409709,3a,75y,13.2h,63.31t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sV8cf4xp-dnSI3PtCyHeh9A!2e0
I know i would rather drill through my bonnet than have it fling open at silly(legal) speeds. Knowing my luck it would tear off and hit a plod car or something lol.