I'm running rota GTR-Ds 18x10j et12 front and 12j et20 rear, wound down on coilovers with no arch work, 1.5 degrees neg camber front and 3 degrees rear.
Sweet, that's me finished on forza.
Good battle chaps, bed for me, up early to get new brakes fitted to the zed.....woohoo!
What brakes you getting? Anything good? And get a bl00dy headset lol.
I've not played this for a few weeks now, mainly due to friends list playing different things, if anyone on xbone wants a lvl 27 titan for some raid/strike/crucible killing times give me a shout, GT is Hell presidenti
I was averaging about 28 mpg when I first got my zed but since putting the ARK and de cats on I'm now about 23-24 mpg. But when I drove to Donnington, 300 odd miles, brimmed the tank before a left and arrived there with still over a quarter tank.
Glad I don't use mine for work.
Oh and I'm averaging less because the foots down more due to epic noise.
IMHO mate no one would sell an unused HKS for that amount of money, even a used should be well over twice that amount, maybe 3-4 times that depending on condition.
THIS!!! I played the crap out of the beta in july, was very impressed with it. If i wasn't unemployed atm i would have took time off work for it If anyone want's a titan to game with add me Xbone gamertag is Hell presidenti