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Hell presidente

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Everything posted by Hell presidente

  1. Well done that man. \m/ Slayer's Repentless is currently getting blasted.
  2. I don't agree with much Ekona says, but this I 100% agree with. ^^^
  3. I like it, I say go for it. If everyone had conservative taste the world would be a boring place.
  4. Hell presidente

    Ark Grip

    You should try the ARK with de-cats
  5. OP, at least you are looking for something other than the Chargespeed rear, talk about done to death
  6. I'm in, though I should point out that's not the 350 from the F&F car pack. GT Hell presidenti
  7. So I got Metal Gear Solid V a few days early and first thought, WOW! The graphics, the gameplay, the cinematics, the everything is just amazing. Even the prologue is over an hour long. Anyone else getting this?
  8. Buy this month's Banzai magazine, or just have a look in the shop, but there is an R32 with a 350odd bhp VQ35DE wedged in, running some lovely ITB's.
  9. I think you got Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain mixed up there lol.
  10. ARK grip, with test pipes if you're brave
  11. No worries mate, sling me a Pm.
  12. Well if you want I could go with you and have a look see?
  13. Yeah definitely. No luck finding a zed yet?
  14. Thanks man, ARK grip exhaust and berk test pipes in case you were wondering. Did you have a green top on?
  15. Yeah man that's cool, the ARK isn't too loud by itself, it's the test pipes that give it that kick. Until about 3700 rpm it's still kinda civilised then after that it all goes asbo.
  16. i'm along the road in Livingston , can i hear it from my house ������ On a quiet night I'd like to think so lol.
  17. I'm in Bathgate and running ARK grip and berk test pipes.
  18. I will try and upload some, not sure how much I'm lowered, the coilovers were just wound down to a suitable level lol.
  19. I know from experience, I'm running those wheels. Lowered on meister r coilovers. 275 on the rear zero scrubbing, moved up to 285 and there's slight rubbing. Getting my arches rolled soon.
  20. Yes they will fit, depending on tyre size on the rear there could some rubbing, roll the arches in that case. Or get wheels that aren't everywhere these days
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