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Hell presidente

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Everything posted by Hell presidente

  1. Saxo VTS, was tuned and running coilovers so went like f#@k for what it was but everything broke. Bloody French cars!
  2. Wastegates don't make noise. Ever.
  3. I'm so glad you said that as I've just bought it today (albeit for my PS4). Hope I enjoy it as I have missed playing a rally game. You will enjoy it, one of the finest racing games I've ever played. Even more so with the wheel.
  4. I did indeed, about 6 weeks after I got the ARK fitted. Considering going for the Agency Power next though.
  5. And then de-cats. Go on, you know you want to
  6. I've not been in the Dark Zone yet, by the time I get home from work and get on everyone else is off. I went in alone during the beta and teamed up with a few guys, played for a couple of hours, got some good gear then got slaughtered and lost all my gear at extraction. B@#+&£$s. If anyone on Xbone is on give me a shout. GT is Hell presidenti
  7. The Division goes live at midnight tonight, will anyone be on?
  8. Have you just started the game? kill a raider or two and take their amour, or there is a suit of power armer that easy to get just to the south east of the Poseidon energy building,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLSXQvNmMrY I've got brotherhood armour. I do have a set of power armour that I got at the very beginning of the game. I left it at red rocket garage and came back to it when I found a fusion core and it has been stripped of all its armour plating. Only the frame was left. Pretty much everything kills me instantly! I had a laser rifle but out of ammo. No weapons shops, very few caps. I'm level 11 I think. Save up 3000 odd caps and 3 fusion cores. Go to vault 88 and look in the shop for a combat rifle called Overseers Guardian, for every one trigger pull it fires 2 bullets.
  9. sometimes you just have to take what you can get. It's usually at the end of a night of hard drinking that sentence gets mumbled.
  10. Is that the Spree LED kit your dials are fitted with?
  11. I'm up for some racing, bit rusty though. GT Hell presidenti
  12. No worries dude, id suggest priority 2. And if you get to a point where there isn't much games you can pause your membership then just unpause when there's more games out, quite handy in summer.
  13. Boomerang.co.uk. Been using it since Lovefilm stopped with games about 2 years ago, no complaints and saved a fortune.
  14. After the beta I'm renting it, same went for Need For Speed and Black Ops 3.
  15. A pic would help I see chav get bounded about a lot though for stuff that really isn't, just a bit different.
  16. I like them and I'm definitely not a chav, that just seems to be the 'go to' response for beige people.
  17. Actually I really like that bumper.
  18. This is where renting games comes in handy, glad i never bought this. Will just achievement hunt then send it back.
  19. Thanks and yes that is a brilliant little touch, ...definitely one of the best games I've played in years. Agreed, after Ground Zero I was a bit unsure about it but by far the best game I've played in years too. Might go and play some now actually
  20. It's a feature of the game for everyone, it's a great little touch
  21. 51% completion on MGS 5 with over 100 hours put into it, still plenty to do. Talk about value for money.
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