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Everything posted by zebedy

  1. kinda Euro look. You wouldnt think it would work on a Zed but they do. Very Nice.
  2. Welcome abord Alf. Kinda reminded me when I printed out a " things to look out for " purchasing guide on here and took it with me before I bought my pride and joy. Get some pics up.!!!
  3. zebedy


    is laying carbon fiber the same as laying CSL (Chopped Strand Mat) GRP??? I used to do alot of it and may in the future develop a new bonnet from GRP with vents and the such.
  4. my last car was a 3000 GTO TT One of the very few last ones built and whilst this gave you a stern kick up the bum when booted, the Zed doesnt due to the lack of turbos. But you know what, this big heavy car gives me more smiles per miles by any other car Ive ever owned. Its got a personallity all of its own and I bet all the other members feel the same. Cant put my finger on it, but it does.
  5. so why not name and shame this member. Camon, we all know that he knew it was foooked before selling it
  6. slide a credit card under it and pull it out. no need to touch the wheels
  7. Its because they have shut down most of the regional offices and have employed yet another computer system which apparantly doesnt work. Insider info, being living in the area, you get to know such things. Could be worse...could be the CSA. lol dont get me started on that !!!!!!!
  8. i was wondering that too?? what app you using and do you need to pulg it into something??
  9. Theres a few of us in south wales and near Swansea. So give us shout if you need anything pal. Good luck and Well Done
  10. To do the RS Green Gold Perl on mine, I was quote 1500.00 and thats a complete strip down. But I am in South Wales. Another option is to Plasti Dip. Check out Dip your Car dot com on youtube. The colours these days will blow your mind. You can now get glossifiers etc and do not have to be matte colour. Im seriously considering do this myself. 4 gallons and a sprayer and all other stuff will set be back about 350. And if its crap...you can peel it off and start again. Ive studied all the video tutorials on there and its a piece of cake. Look at the ALIEN series of paint that change colour as you walk around the car. As I said - Plastidip has come along long way.
  11. there should be a little tab under neath the block plug. Squeez that in and pull apart at the same time. should work. - use a small flat screw driver. Zeb
  12. trust me guys when your on it day in day out its not that special lol
  13. Looking to change the oil (engine) and gearbox, and all Aux belts. Whos best to supply what I need and is there any Guids on HOW TO on here. I know there is the belt change how to on here but cant find an oil change proceedure on here. Will need new oil filter and sump plug and anything else thats needed Any help here greatly appriciated oh ye the car has now done 55ooo miles. Will I need anything else done at this stage (spark plugs maybe??) Zeb
  14. Guys go easy on the poor guy. Lets help and get another Z back on the road. Seriously Nelson, get a card or loan or anything. Im guessing if youve not had credit before your probably young??. However what ever you do, do not drive it. You maybe able to get something back on the engine even if its shaggd as someone out there may want a project to rebuilt it. Im in South Wales too, where about are you?? PM me if you want. If ya close, Ill pop in and take a look ar at least listen to it for a few secs.
  15. is it where you would plug in your code reader???
  16. Im in the process for buiding a speaker build set up behind the seats of my Roadster and have hit a problem last night. The two cubby holes that are located either side of the rear cigarette lighter socket. Ive taken the doors of these and will be putting frosted perspex on the front with a 350z logo on them or something. To illuminate the inside of each cubby Ive bought a set of blue interior LED lights which uses a cigarette lighter socket. So what I did was to cut the socket off and pulled the connector off from the back of the cars cigarette lighter, and hard wired the lights in. All seems straight forward. But for what ever reason the thinner cables for the led lights become very hot whilst on and eventually the 15amp fuse in the footwell pops. How is this happening as the lights draw very little power. Could it be the fact that Ive hooked them up to a much thicker wiring loom of the cigarette lighter socket behind?? There may be a resistor in the socket for the light which drops the power down for the LEDS?? THANKS PHOTOS SOON, when i finish
  17. Might be worth the op post up the advert. If the seller said that that it runs like a dream or the car is purfect then that is misrepresentation. But and its a very big but (like my missus lol ) it could have happened on the way home and the seller will just say that. The op has to take some responsibility for buying a car with an engine light on, knowing nothing about these cars.
  18. Im with Ekona on this. Buy the engine from the member here. Get a credit card and pull out the cash and fit it. Do it over the winter ready for the spring to enjoy. Get a few cards. Hey most people are in dept some way or another, being Mortguages etc, so just go for it and forget it. Be possitive. There are enough people on here that know these cars inside out. Were all here for you buddy.
  19. In the words of Baldrick...I have a cunning plan. We plan a ride out. say 5-10-15 cars all parked outside this guys house. OP goes and knock on his door and asks him to come out and tells the guy to shove his car as its fooked and requests his money back whilst being filmed. We then post the film on Youtube etc to embarras the basket case??
  20. I say its your car, do what you want despite what others think. Why be the same as the others. At least then when you turn up for meets, youll not see another one like yours, like most of the members on here with the exact same cars appart from maybe a wheel change (to look at, at least). You will need a big kit, and 19"'s to pull it off me think. oh and not forgetting that BGW.
  21. isnt Shades on here selling a complete peach of an engine with only 45k on the clock for a grand??? - go for it I would as the rest of the car seems nice. Even if you cant fit it yet due to financial matters, keep it in your garage until you can.
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