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Everything posted by zebedy

  1. I already bought this one. (ebay from the link that alot of you guys purchased on here. Black suade with amber stiching. So next off Ive just bought a small 3.5" screen off ebay for the reversing camera which will sit nicely near the top of the tablet. Hopefully doors off week end to paint the lower sections with copper gold and the door handles and door switch surrounds wrapped. In the process of wrapping the centre vent surrounds, which as you can see are missing off the dash.
  2. Is there a link for a guide to changing the spark plugs. Used the search thingy and got nawt. cheers Zeb
  3. OOOO these will match my centre console. Very nice
  4. just messing around with a biro. The spoiler to too high for my liking but was an item I had in the garage and painting I get for free anyway so cost me nawt.
  5. heres mine. Not everyones cuppa tea...nor mine anymore lol Funnily enough I was gonna go with the Nismo V1 when I fit my rear diffuser.
  6. If you were going to choose 3 additional guages for your Zed, what ones would you find the most useful to monitor ?? (if any) Normally aspirated engines only please.
  7. look out for the end of month meet at Cross Hands Ind Estate just off the cross Roads every last sunday of the month. Ill nudge you closer to the time
  8. Have you dropped the car height then ?? or have you fitted new wheels??
  9. I would get a decent 4 ch amp with built in cross overs. If your head unit has a bass out channel then you could use two rear amp channels for the back, bridge the two front for the bass drivers and use the head unit just to drive the two front. You can then adjust the amp for the fading between front and rear and set a great sound. If you go for components, you must use a cross over to split the bass signal from the high end signal for the tweeters. Keep us posted.
  10. Welcome on board to the madness and disagreements lol. You anywhere near Llanelli???
  11. are those standard disks with the bolt heads like that?? looks the dogs.
  12. seriously. Is that all.?? ok ill get back to you real soon. thanks
  13. Hi Andy. Firstly I must say what an extremely interesting thread this is. Nice once. Gotto ask though we're do you get your knowledge from to carry out a huge DIY project like this? Is it from experience? Done it before? Or perhaps you are in the trade? Engineer?? Just wondered. Cheers and keep up the fab work.
  14. Hi mondo. So how much would a black perforated leather gaiter with amber stitching cost us guys?? Thank. Also additional cost for maybe an embroided logo?
  15. How good of you. Very handy to have you around. Thanks
  16. Happened to me on my previous car. Because I only drive 4 miles each way to work with lights on stereo on etc the battery doesn't have a chance. Ended up just buying a new battery with a good high a page.
  17. The under tray clips and bolts were all shot corroded and were literally snapping as I was slackening em off. Crap. Excuse now for a nice pressed steel one me thinks.
  18. Cheers guys. Alex I'll pm you in a bit. Thanks
  19. Was in the car last night and spotted for the first time a dimly lit yellow LED like light inside the courtersy light housing between the two lights. Anyone know what this is?? Never noticed it before. Cheers Zeb
  20. Well what should have been a 20min job turned into a 3.5 hrs last night just to change the belts. The Alternator belt day before yesterday was totally shot so needed belts there and then. Got a pair of Gates for £25 inc of vat which I thought was great. Jacked up the car and removed the under tray snapping all the bolts that held it in place. Ok no problem. Slackened off the two pulley after spraying both adjuster bolts with WD40. Ok so far. Placed the shortest belt into position and started the tighten up the adjusting bolt which I've learned was a left hand thread. Here's where I now start to swear. The collar on the bolt was worn and kept slipping through the bully bracket, fork like part, that takes the adjustment. 6 attempts later, god knows how many f*ck* I decided to pull all the bracket off from the block. What a mess. The previous owner must have over tighten the adjuster to the point it was bending the fork in the pulley bracket. The forks had spread open and the collar on the bolt had worn = no tension on the pully. So had to fabricate a new collar on the bolt and a new plate to sit inside the fork and the folks hammered back closer together. 10 pm I finally started the car and alls well. For any of you that have changed these belts from leying on ya back on the underside might understand the frustration I went through. If anyone's got the L/H tension pulley bracket and an adjusting bolt thats in good condition and wantS to sell, please pm me.
  21. Yes with you there. There's a few on here that have bought black suade ones with contrasting stitching. Gonna go with that I think. Need to find that link though. Cheers.
  22. yep great idea. I'll give em a go with the brushed copper wrap. thanks guys
  23. ok...so im doing the Lotto this week end f*ck it!!
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