Well what should have been a 20min job turned into a 3.5 hrs last night just to change the belts.
The Alternator belt day before yesterday was totally shot so needed belts there and then. Got a pair of Gates for £25 inc of vat which I thought was great. Jacked up the car and removed the under tray snapping all the bolts that held it in place. Ok no problem. Slackened off the two pulley after spraying both adjuster bolts with WD40. Ok so far. Placed the shortest belt into position and started the tighten up the adjusting bolt which I've learned was a left hand thread. Here's where I now start to swear. The collar on the bolt was worn and kept slipping through the bully bracket, fork like part, that takes the adjustment. 6 attempts later, god knows how many f*ck* I decided to pull all the bracket off from the block. What a mess. The previous owner must have over tighten the adjuster to the point it was bending the fork in the pulley bracket. The forks had spread open and the collar on the bolt had worn = no tension on the pully. So had to fabricate a new collar on the bolt and a new plate to sit inside the fork and the folks hammered back closer together.
10 pm I finally started the car and alls well.
For any of you that have changed these belts from leying on ya back on the underside might understand the frustration I went through.
If anyone's got the L/H tension pulley bracket and an adjusting bolt thats in good condition and wantS to sell, please pm me.