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Everything posted by zebedy

  1. These are on my list too. Take a look at the gsm site. But they are ten quid more than demon tweeks. Stunning seats arnt they. Ill be buying one first just incase the shoulder bolsters area are too wide for the car. I.e. Hitting the b pillar. Ive got a roadster so may be a bit more room.
  2. Any body seen that new water chrome process. Its absolutly bonkers. Search youtube for water chrome demo.
  3. Ive been thinking of removing the plastic covers that are around the roll over hoops. Will have to be cut. If you remove all the plastics behind your seats you can the cut off the oem hoops which are just thin round bar under that chunky looking exterior plastics. Id then weld in plates so that chrome hoops from either mx5 or peugeot 205 cc or others similar which would fit. Youd then have to customise the oem plastics to go back on but revealing the chrome hoops. Its very doable.
  4. Shooze your more than welcome to come to mine first and compare. Im in most of the morning tomorrow
  5. Mmm.not sure what to say other than mine too is sitting up at the rear. But is getting better by the week. Dont be too fussed about the rain going under because there is a lip on the inside and the water just runs either side down to a gully. The problem too regarding the b pillars as it were there is nothing behind the bottom of the hood for him to bond to. Give it a few weeks up and see how it goes. Thats what im gonna do before doing anything as the material is stiff as hell.
  6. yep as veilside said
  7. make sure your earth's are good otherwise you'll end up with whizzing and suppression noises. Not nice. lol Good Luck
  8. Yep. Rays a top man. Shooz..ill pop in the friday your there. Im only down the road.
  9. Chrome spray paint b and q. Hoses are ebay. Blue urban camo colour.
  10. the engine is the engine no matter what country you are in lol they do not make a L/H drive Block. so it goes on the left hand side mid way up from the front pulley face of the block
  11. zebedy

    front bumper

    I''ll have one in 4 weeks time. PM what you were looking to pay for one.
  12. zebedy


    thats a really good deal. Can I ask...is that for the plain PAGID Disks @ 320mm DIA?? also what deal can you do for Grooved disks, all round with pads?? as Im looking myself too but dont want plain disks.
  13. More close up pics @galgazze The roof was dead easy to fit, now that I know how it was done. It looks more scary than it actually is. This in turn has given me the confidence to look indepth into the mechanisms and try and fathom out what is happening to cause it to no want to open properly. Watch this space lol Mods Can you make this into a sticky if only for the fact Im recomending Ray @ Jack Smiths Trimmers, Swansea. He has not got a website as he's a one man show working out of a rented garage behind a row of Terrace House. He is VAT registered and will give you an invoice if you want to go down that road. And he has a Face Book Page. Prices for the 350 are in or around the £300.00 mark. HE DOES NOT DO OR FIX MECHANISMS - only roof material replacements and uses your existing rear window.. please note also that all coloured roofs are black inside.
  14. ive not sorted the roof mech out yet, but as all the frame work was out on show I had a really good look and have a good idea now what the problem is. Also Ray says to keep the roof up for 3 to 4 weeks (hard to resist ) just so that the material has time to strech as its very tight over the frame. Think about it....my oem roof was 10 yrs old and had ten years of moving, stretching etc so what happens is that eventually becomes loose and is concave when taken off, as it was taking shape of the roof. New roof is based on oem templates so its very tight as it came out of the factory. Considering Nissan wanted 1500 bucks lol. So yes...very very pleased. I have got close up pics which Ill post asap
  15. Yes if you know the right people. Lol Nissan wanted 17 plus vat for one elastic and you need two of them. Dunelm... £1.25 for 1m length. No brainer.
  16. Yep. Nissan only did black.
  17. New roof done this morning at jack smiths. Was there are 9am. All done by 1pm with my help because my roof mech isnt working properly so as i knew how to get around it i decided to say and help out. Very pleased with the the outcome. 1st roof in grey i beleive??
  18. Yes gunmetal grey with a charcole roof as of Monday coming.
  19. why not buy the cheaper options on ebay? not oem but great for the price not like the oem ones eeek!!!
  20. these pop straight in. The only thing I would add is that you take off the ballast and the bulb (HID) from yours and put into these. There is a DIY on youtube showing you how do do it and takes 10 mins. Search for REV J - depo 350z. Ive already got these lights and the quality is very good. I've dry fitted the lights just to check the bulbs and all are pretty bright. I will be doing an additional demon eye mod on mine thats why they are not yet on the car. Great lights in my experience. You could also as others have said, split the lights. Loads of youtube how to's on this. Make shure you reseal them with something like Sikaflex and not silicon
  21. Just to let you know if you are thinking about getting not nessessary a D1 Catch Tank but any "upright Tank" that there is room between the top rocker cover and the radiator cover but you would need to cut the cover to mount it on the front of the engine. I know ART do them too which are Horizontal mount which is are basically fitted in the same location but flat. Being upright poses problems with shutting the bonnet, but this just about's work, being slightly at a lower level than the plenium.
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