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Everything posted by zebedy

  1. yes GM's are renound for being fast Welcome on board
  2. neither !!!! Carbon Fibre, Vented all the way for me. Well....when I get enough cash together. but if I had to choose...DE.
  3. Where are the central brake lights comming from in the rear window??
  4. Yes but in Carbon. Look for GRP. Unless I missed that one. Have you got the link V?
  5. Ill be fitting my self. So used to GRP and filler its doesn't phase me. I'll take a look at your website. Cheers
  6. Na 3.50. Stripped the city bow motor. Brushes were foooked. Easy.
  7. Money waiting. Has anyone got one or if not who sells them? (GRP not carbon)
  8. zebedy

    DIY Vinyl Wrap

    Gonna give it a try too next week. I'll post some pics. Well done mate looks good. How did the bumpers go. I reckoned that if I can do my amuse front one without issues the other pars of the car should be a doddle. Kepp us updated
  9. Got my roof working today as it should since ownership last year. A full write up with pics to follow. I'm happy coz I knocked the guy down by 1200 bucks because I said Nissan want 1500 for a motor. Cost me £3.50. Did I say it was the best day ever...lol
  10. Aha so this is a common problem them. I hope someone on here's Goth the answer. I don't want to buy expensive ones as I would like to use it as an extra dials etc when live reading. Fault reading and clearing codes is a secondary thing for me.
  11. Sorry yes its android. Like I said it worked great on a mates kuga but doesn't on my zed. Baffled.
  12. Can anyone recommend a blue tooth obd dongle? I've bought one on eBay and connected with my tab using torque developments and dash command whilst hooked up to a ford kuga but will not work on my dear. Said cannot find ECU?? Is there something I don't know?? Do some work and some don't on our zeds??? Anyone using others that deffo work?? Thanks
  13. And this is why I won't do heavy lifting and get seriously into bodybuilding ( although i would love to ) I try and keep balanced with it all . I try to just be healthy , eat well and be happy with the little progress I make . Bodybuilding is a cruel sport , you never get to where you want to be , very critical of others and yourself and can become very self centred . .....then you stop working out for 1 month and lose all your gains from a year . This is my view of it and not to offend anyone . I would rather be fit and heathy with a half decent physic rather than obsessed with the gym/ supplements only to never be happy anyway . Years ago the training was completely different. Back then you would stuff ya face over the winter months putting a couple of stone on and lift big n heavy every session and hold alot of water (those who know, would know what I mean here), then about March time you would train lighter, train faster, still heavy but higher reps and more sets, this way on a cutting cycle with loads of cardio and lean eating and lower cals. Nowadays its all about looking good with a sub 10% BF all year round and cardio and eating clean is a must. If anyone needs advice your welcome to pm me as I've been there done it for a long time now. lol
  14. I do all mine my own. Always try first before subbing out. Except for electrics....they baffle me to no end especially that most looms today are duel or tripple purpose (not sure on the correct term here).
  15. is the 350 hulkster still fore sale?
  16. Any computer geeks among us?? Ive been looking into buying one of these instead of a tablet mainly for its keyboard capabilities. Ill be surfing the net mainly but this is where I need advice. On my old pc running windows, i was an avid fan many moons ago of down loading free music from various torrent sites or p2p sites then running Vuze Azarus as an example to catalogue and then to dump all on a stick, card etc. Will I still be able to do this using the chrome book or others like it running non windows os or ios?? I beleive Google have their own os for these. thanks in advance. Zeb
  17. zebedy


    Why would you dot charge a DE?? Sorry clueless i am on the subject.
  18. trained since I was 16, Im now 45. Not trained since 2012 because I now have arthritis in my AC joints and lower back prolapsed disks, degenerated disks and ciatica and on 12-14 tramadols as day and Amitryptoline. Anyone recognising theses meds will sympothise with me. Always trained heavy, entered and placed in a few comps along the way, did all the meds, pre/post stuff, protein etc etc. Today...im a wreck but like Lee Preist........I'll be back. lol
  19. zebedy


    i know. we can do a mod like on the new citreon piccasso cactus thingy. a huge fanny pad to protect the doors. god have you seen those around. talk about butt ugly. id settle to a fine anyday than paying for dent removal and spray job and ill keep parking like that for as long as i can, out of way. not worried at all.
  20. cobra is huge bucks compared to the k1 or k2
  21. zebedy


    I get fed up too with it all. I now try and park out of the way and on accross a white line in carparks so the cars which park up after me use the next parking bay which by now is some distance and cannot hit the car with their doors. A moman did it to me last month whilst a was in the car. She pulled up next to me and tried opening her door whilst holding and speaking on her phone and clutching a bag. I said to my self " lets see" and sure as she did, hit my bloody car with her door. I got out and used the f and c words at her in front of her boy. Riled up was not the word. I swear blind that the next person to do it and i catch them itll be through their insurance.
  22. I was just wondering how many of you actually put the OEM wheels back on over the winter months. Also whats your thoughts on plasti dipping them with aerosol just for the winter then peel off when the weather is better. Anyone one here done this and what was the results like for dealing with winter contamination, salts etc etc. thanks
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