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Jay Kay

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Everything posted by Jay Kay

  1. Jay Kay

    Finally .....

    19s won't ruin handling, 20s or more you may notice though
  2. Golden rule I believe, never touch the butterflies or reset needed.
  3. You may now find that the key won't work once the new battery is fitted as they lose their code. There are some threads on here showing the routine to go through if this happens but none of them worked for me when my spare key died. Nissan want £53 to recode
  4. Christ, give it a rest! Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  5. I'm still quite sure there is nothing wrong with the disk Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  6. Zed seems an unusual choice considering the equipment size. During your years have you ever encountered or used a Kelly guitar or pa amp at all. I'd love to get my hands on one if possible even if it isn't working
  7. Disk looks fine to me, I'm sensing a wind up? Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  8. Still a no from me, but my phone screen isn't massive. On way to work, where I will spend the first few hours staring at a brake disk Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  9. What about going old school, open Paint and then resize in that
  10. Don't worry, no one has flirted with me in a very long time, your emoticons would have been taken in the manner they were intended. Hopefully a mod will see this and investigate
  11. I have lots of these problems too, have only ever once been able to post a picture and the typing thing drives me insane, can type out a sentence and only like every third keystroke has worked. I assumed it was only me that suffered with this. Some days typing is fine, today for instance, other days I can sit pressing the same letter on the keyboard 4 or 5 times before it appears on the screen, can take literally 5 minutes or more just to get a couple of sentences typed. Crazy. Nice to see my car on the screen though, ain't she pretty.
  12. There are some single rays on eBay at the mo just make sure you remember front and back are different sizes
  13. Jay Kay

    Breaks squeal

    Where do you buy the shims?
  14. Very nice! At 23, I had 4 12 inch subs instead of rear seats in my car. Long time ago know. Where did you get the sundown amp from, I was after some sundown subs for my last car but they only sold in the US. If you're after some more under bonnet bling, I may be changing my car back to standard and I will be selling my Takeda induction kit
  15. Well good luck to you with it all. I'd be interested to see a sat nav install and would have loved to come on Saturday for a nose around the pros working on a big build but I'm tied up all day.
  16. Road trip, what was the outcome of the y pipe?
  17. Every insurer I tried asked the same thing, what experience i have had driving other 'sporty' cars offering similar performance. If you don't have a back catalogue to rattle off that will go against you?
  18. What sort of plans do you have that you need help with? I don't know much about Zeds and am not ultra close but if it's simple stuff I'm happy to lend a hand, otherwise there may be others who can help if they know what you wish to achieve
  19. My Zed spent some time in Aberdeen (HR in night blue with nismo kit and 19's) but I purchased it a few months back and brought it down south. I think one or two parts from it may still be found running around the city in ZeppoJeff's car though. Welcome to the forum
  20. Shame, I used to quite like the older X6 - probably as it was a bit different, but the back ends of these two are pretty horrific
  21. So, I got a call back. Man was helpful bit very unsure and said it wasn't clear from the picture on his screen what bit I wanted. Eventually he confirmed Nissan part number 72825 and a price of approx. £20. He didn't know how it fitted but said a sealant kit was also available so it may need to be stuck down. Not convinced he's given me the correct info though. I also found some old threads which says the strips along the roof are bonded the removable panels and these cost around £300 per side. This was from a few years back and posted by Zmanalex so you may want to drop him a line. If this website ever starts talking with my photobucket account I could show you the pics I have found
  22. I called two local Nissan dealers for prices, both said they would look it up and call me straight back. That was almost 4 hours ago...
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