Not sure I understand how it works? Surely putting it on ultra sensitive mode should mean it does exactly what the throttle peddle tells it to do, meaning it should then be exactly the same as a stock car? Unless in standard form Nissan have built in some lag between peddle and car, which I would assume is not the case. I thought the idea was that you could make the peddle less sensitive rather than more so, making it easier to drive in poor conditions. While this is my understanding, I've never actually looked into these so don't really know the point of them. If they actually add throttle input above that which you apply, as people are suggesting, then firstly it's taking some control out of your hands and also just means if you wanted to go faster you just need to press the throttle harder/faster, or when driving normally but in a sensitive setting you just press the throttle a tiny bit less than normal. It would still be using the same amount of fuel etc - so what have you gained?