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Everything posted by Myles

  1. Nice how much did that cost you in the end ?
  2. I am Army, and that's a Great thing to have done! if you want any help with any future events let me know, il be happy to help Good man. Always looking for volunteers ! I play at Blackmoor, which is in Bordon, and Aldershot is just up the road. Father was in the RAF, and I was born in Germany, forces hospital in Jever. Hope it goes well for you, and you pick up a nice Zed. No way! I did my trades training In Bordon haha and I am determined to find a nice one be good to see you all at a meeting
  3. I am Army, and that's a Great thing to have done! if you want any help with any future events let me know, il be happy to help
  4. 28 MPG? thats not too bad, I thought to myself would a van be more practical for bringing stuff back or should I get a 350z and enjoy the drive rather than be sat in something id hate to sit in for 5 mins because lets be honest Driving to germany is a few hours drive and I want to make the most of the travelling..... and the Autobahn whilst its still there i really would like to get one, people I know are always trying to talk me out of getting one , saying they cost too much to run, but Ive thought to myself you only have one life so may as well go for it , but I want to make sure its a thoughtful choice not a rushed silly one where im selling the car 2 months later cuse i didnt think it through haha. thanks for the replies though! look forward to keeping in touch with you all! i don't suppose anybody knows where I could get hold of a Nissan 350z tax free by any chance? haha
  5. probably once every 2 months, it might even be longer
  6. Hello Everyone getting posted to Germany soon and looking at getting myself a Nissan 350z thought id join the forum premature, as I thought that maybe I could get some advice and discount on insurance etc as a member. I understand 3.5 litres aint exactly fuel efficient but what are the cars like to live with? my hearts set on getting one , but I just want to make sure im jumping with a parachute before I do I will be driving it to and from Germany but not very Often so I dont see a problem there with fuel costs I dont think, does anyone have any experience with the distance driving of one of these great cars, Im 26 with nearly 6 years no claims thanks everybody!!
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