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  1. Just a few doors down from you lol Yours is with different wheels and the White text on your tyres right? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Yeah man that's right! Just got my Milltek fitted too I'll give you a wave if I see you!
  2. I'm the grey one!! Aha I havnt seen you around! Where abouts do you live?
  3. Just tried to unlock my 350 but the remote locking wouldn't work. I thought it was a dead battery, so I unlocked the door manually and the car started fine. I then thought it was the key battery, so I got my spare key and the remote locking still didn't work. I have changed both of the batteries, and still nothing. While sitting in the car I kept pressing the buttons on my key and it worked once or twice. Any suggestions?? Thanks
  4. That is very impressive! What year? Yeah you never know what cars are actually pushing :S
  5. I need to get it on a dyno to see, but I am too nervous of the outcome I prefer to think of it as the 276 she once was haha
  6. Hello everyone, Just a quick question. I know there are a few forums about loss of bhp over the years, the same in all cars. I was just curious to if anyone knows, how much the loss in bhp would effect acceleration in a Zed?
  7. Well some of the soil nearly fell on me when I went around a corner.. So not well
  8. It's 1820kg or around 275kg of 'baggage'. According to this site 25L of garden soil weights 13kg, so 36 bags is equal to 468kg which is way over the limit. Not sure how it affects the car, but it sure is a good way of lowering it! Oh just a tad bit haha! The worst bit was putting them in and taking them out all on my own
  9. Yeah I love getting myself a bargain Temporary lowering for when you don't have to deal with speed bumps Haha I would love to see what other people have fit in theirs
  10. Ha yeah I wasn't too sure myself, but it was a short trip Not going to lie it felt a bit overweight haha
  11. Hi all, I am sure a question you all have been asking, is can I fit 36 bags of 25L top soil can I get in my zed? Well the answer is YES! Although I would not reccomend driving far with all that weight...
  12. You are living in the past! Being a young person, the term 'rim' has been coined as a slang term for fancy or customized wheels on a car I'm only 24 :scare: Oh jheeze. I'm turning into whacky will! Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk Hah whacky will I am only 19 so you are an old man to me Haha nah you are still young Presuming that being a "youngen" you're on the book of fake? If so, www.facebook.com/matt.dedman www.facebook.com/steve.dyer.50 www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=805405248 <<<< This is NOT Matt Grundy's facebook profile. It may look like his, but it isn't... for some Z related abuse/fun I will add all 3 of these, I just hope I don't look like a stalker :O
  13. You are living in the past! Being a young person, the term 'rim' has been coined as a slang term for fancy or customized wheels on a car I'm only 24 :scare: :scare: Oh jheeze. I'm turning into whacky will! Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk Hah whacky will I am only 19 so you are an old man to me Haha nah you are still young
  14. You are living in the past! Being a young person, the term 'rim' has been coined as a slang term for fancy or customized wheels on a car
  15. God damn I love all these wheels!! I cant choose what to get Life's hard aye!?
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