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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Have a look on here. http://www.knightracer.com/shop/
  2. Kev

    N-3 Bumper

    The original V3 isn't that expensive from the US (around £400). There is a vendor doing a really good deal on my350z. His shipping to the uk is really cheap too. http://my350z.com/forum/body-exterior/566251-zspeed-performance-nismo-v3-front-bumper-extension-panels-new-5.html One thing I would say about the nismo v3 is that it needs a hr bonnet. It was clearly designed to match the smooth design of the hr bonnet and looks wrong with a de bonnet.
  3. They're TE37's. I couldn't recall off the top of my head.
  4. I've seen them on a few Z's. Can't recall the model number but they look a bit like big 350z Rays.
  5. Thanks for that. They're volks off a skyline so I don't think it'll be a problem. Bit pi**ed the tyres don't match though.
  6. I'm considering buying new wheels. Will these sizes fit without a problem? Thanks
  7. I agree the first one looks more "nismo". The seats would swing it for me though.
  8. Nice car......but if I had 150k to spend on a car it wouldn't be that.
  9. I would put it for sale at £20k and let her wait until a buyer is willing to pay it.
  10. Kev

    Tommy Kaira gear knob

    Been offered one via my350z but wanted to try my luck here first.
  11. I'm looking for a Tommy Kaira gear knob. If anyone has one to sell please PM. Thanks
  12. I honestly think carbon wrap is awful...especially on a bonnet. It looks cheap and nasty. This is a much better option. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/96324-who-wants-a-carbon-bonnet-d/
  13. If mine was stolen I'd never want to see it again. I would imagine most stolen Z's are driven to a local lock up and broken.
  14. I done the same yesterday..........today has been none stop rain.
  15. Kev

    350z vs 370z

    I'm amazed the 370z is ahead. No doubt it's a better car......but it doesn't looks as good. * just seen only 3 people have voted
  16. Kev

    headlights modified

    Do they still work well blacked out?
  17. Is it possible to black out pre facelift headlights and not lose function? Seems to be a lot of conflicting information. The guy in Wigan is really good value. I'm gonna go for it if it's ok with pre facelift but I wouldn't dream of dropping £800 on a set of 2nd hand headlights.
  18. it was thats why he needed the van lol this thing i agree is fairly ugly but makes the z feel like a shed which isnt a good thing Let's be honest....a Z is shed in comparison.
  19. Kev

    350Z Artwork

    I like that a lot.
  20. I've read they are a bit "jittery". Probably feels different as they are firmer than OEM.
  21. Great cars. I nearly bought one a few years back but could only find ex lease cars in my price range. It's really important they're run in right so I didn't want a ex lease/company car. The DCT box is epic and reliable. Changes are instant and savage. They need to be rev'd to be enjoyed and to average drivers a chipped 335i feels quicker (due to the torque) A friend has just bought a new f80 M3. He's letting me take it for a spin tomorrow. I have a feeling I'm going to be very jealous. They definitely don't lack torque. One thing I would say about E92 m3's is that most private sellers are dreaming with the prices they are advertising them for at the moment. I wouldn't pay more than 25k for a clean 2010 DCT. I don't agree that they are a good investment car. They are common and the values will go the same way as the E46. Only m3 that is a investment car is the e46 CSL. The 1M is a good investment too, but I think they're ugly.
  22. Seen this. Thought it might tempt a 370z owner. http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&alt=web&id=301572134355
  23. I would be a bit suspicious about the car. I'm not sure why a dealer would want a higher mileage car for only £1k in his pocket.
  24. Only worth it if the the exterior, interior, wheels, tyres etc are in better condition IMO. Did the dealer offer £8k for yours?
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