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About Edd20022

  • Birthday 10/09/1982


  • Location
    High Wycombe

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Z Hopeful

Z Hopeful (2/7)



  1. 1. andy james - Paid 2. Zelda Paid (11:20 track) 3. George 1966 -Paid 4. Andy_Muxlow - Paid 5. Buster - Paid 6. nismoandy - Paid 7. SamTripp52 8. DAZ8235 - Paid 9. JonLonghorne99 - Paid 10. SuiSid - Paid 11. LAB99 - Paid 12. Millicano - Paid 13.Sebastian PAID (Track 10:20, 12:20, 14:20) 14. SHEZZA - Paid 15. MicktZZZ - Paid (just once on track at 12:20) 16. Monkey1983 - Paid 17. DrMurderDeath - Paid 18. SH23 - Paid 19. Azurez33 & +1 - Paid 20. Harrm +1 Paid 21. Marcos +1 Paid 22. Paul_K Paid 23. TommZ +1 Paid 24. StormtrooperZ +1 Paid 25. tauvp - Paid 26.Nathaniels350z +1-paid - Track 14:40 27. Whiskeymedicine +1- Paid - Track 12:20 28. Jonnymonno +1 - Paid 29. Patrick John - Paid 30. Stoker11 + 1 - Paid 31. Chris141084 - Paid 32. Humpy - Paid 33. harvers - Paid 34. Buptaboy - Paid 35. jayb_370z+1 - Paid 36. V1H - Paid 37. Roamy - Paid 38. HD350Z +1 - Paid 39. RDON - Paid 40. Bunning +1 - Paid 41. DIY_350z +1 -Paid 42. Vallis10 - Paid 43. HEADPHONES - Paid 44. eyespied +1 - Paid 45. Scot T (not on forum) - Paid 46. Phil T + Jules 47. juicezee +1 Paid 48. davey_83 - Paid 49. JWMarsden - Paid 50. JohnAllder +1 - Paid 51. Max Szoradi +1 - Paid 52. petergee1 +1 - Paid 53. gemzym1 - Paid 54. Edd20022 - Paid
  2. BUMP! Still on the lookout for a pair of these. If anyone knows of a set, or an upcoming breaking 350Z roadster, let me know!
  3. 1. andy James PAID 2. Sebastian PAID - Track 14.40 3. Stephanie 4. Andy_Muxlow PAID 5. SHEZZA PAID 6. Silverthorn PAID 7. Cs2000 PAID - Track 14:40 8. nissmoandy PAID 9.Paul K - Paid (ticket rolled over from last year) 10. V1H PAID 11. Matthew Thain PAID 12. Jamie Thain PAID 13. whitevanman. PAID 14. Mark350Z. PAID - Track 14.40 15. luigi350z PAID 16. Sarah PAID 17. zzincubus (Len Meakin) PAID 18. Flashback - PAID 19. FruitPolo PAID 20. BUSTER PAID 21. Trott + 1 PAID 22. George (tarmacsportz) -PAID 23. Valy - PAID 25. MattRwebB - will pay end of month 26. Terry - Paid 27. Jamie - paid 28. checkle91 - PAID 29. AndrewK - Paid 30. Jenso - PAID 31. Tauvp - paid 32. 14N - PAID 33. Ross dean- PAID -track 15-20 34. Face_Eator PAID + Handling course 35. jamstar007 PAID Track time 9.40 36. ILikeDolphins PAID 37. kostask PAID 38. ASugars888 - Paid 39. Humpy - PAID 40.KBAD - Paid 41. Alex 350 - Paid 42. silky- Paid (rolled over ticket) 43.Ry4n -Paid 44.NICECUBED - PAID 45. Dannyg - PAID 46. RDON -PAID 47. Mathias - PAID 48. omegacloud - PAID Track 10:20 49. Kaikora - PAID 50. prodrive11 - PAID (track: 9:20, 10:20, 11:40) 51. 350Zeta - PAID 52. Lbow350z - PAID 53. Gregglecakes - PAID 54. harvers - PAID 55. Zelda - PAID 56. KG350z -PAID 57. Roamy (Luke) PAID 58. D-NISMO (Dan+1) PAID 59. clacksonator PAID 60. Ian Neild PAID, track 10.20 61.350z-btb PAID 62. Footbola - PAID 63. Kieran McNulty - Paid 64. Jonnymonno- Paid 65. Edd20022 - PAID
  4. Looking for just the screen and nav buttons to fit into my 56 plate revup, the DVD drive + loom is not required. They don't need to work either - this is only a temporary measure just to fill the massive void in my centre stack while i work on a new tablet build. if anyone has these kicking around, let me know Cheers Edd
  5. Looking a pair of the tan seats that were an option for the 350z Roadster. If anyone is breaking a Roadster or knows anyone who’s selling a set, let me know Thanks Edd
  6. 1. Nso93-paid 2. Olly350z + Louis ( Z33) BOTH PAID 3. Kingsley - paid 4. AbiiPow PAID 5. Humpy - PAID 6. ShortPaul - PAID 7. George1966 8. Grumpyoldjanner 9. JJ370z 10. Andy James- Paid club pass + Track time 10.30,14.00. 11. Shezza - PAID 12.Sparksey 13. Cloud1440 paid 14. Huw (zclub) 15. Farmer42 (zclub) 16. LewisH - PAID 17. Veilside Z 18. Simon31 19. Kellyjaneheaton - paid 20. 14N - PAID 21. Zebedy 22. RoxZ 23. Brian Tyson 24. 350wen - Paid club pass 25. Tomb 26. Richie94gts - Paid club pass + track time10:30 27. Cjquicksilver831 - Paid 28. 350zSouth West-paid 29. DrMurderDeath - Paid 30. Wezed-paid 31. Jbrougham - Paid 32. griff_350 - Paid 33. Valy - Paid 34. Livio - Paid 35. L90EXX - Paid 36. Silverthorn - Paid 37. Aus10 - paid 38. Ashley Robb - paid 39. Phil Davies - paid 40. Edd20022 - PAID
  7. Andy James + Kat. PAID,Tracktime 10.20,12.40 2. Shezza - PAID 3. Valy - PAID 4. Keyser +1 - PAID 5. Paul k + Dawn - PAID 6. Nso93- PAID 7. Humpy - PAID 8. G1en - PAID 9. Rickdon - PAID 10. Veilside z +1 PAID 11. Beb + Colombia. PAID. Tracktime 10:20, 12:40 12. Bob94+1 PAID 13. Buster - PAID 14. Lumby101+1 PAID 15. Teejay+1 PAID 16. Flashback PAID 17. Modo +1 Paid. 18. TT350 (try) 19. Papa PAID 20. Olly350z - PAID 21. Louis350z (not on here) - PAID 22. alexclabbs 23. Jay84 - PAID 24. jackf + 1 - PAID 25. Dillydot82 +1 PAID 26. retro_al PAID 27. 350z South West 28. EzeePzee - PAID 29. cs2000 - PAID + Tracktime @ 13:40 30. chippychip123 +1 - PAID 31. Mark123 32. DrMurderDeath +1 33. N1ck- PAID 34. Nismoandy +1PAID 35. Conlonl 36. Apoc124 - PAID 37. LewisH - PAID 38. pintopete58 PAID 39. KG350z PAID 40. SUPRAWOOKIE +1 PAID 41. LMStaples + 1 42. BenHz33 + 1 PAID 43. ShortPaul +1 44. Zero:One +1 PAID 45. wvSTUwv +1 PAID Tracktime @ 13:40 46. Mr.szarvas +1 PAID 47. Kingsley + 1 - PAID 48. V1H- PAID 49. Cob1980 (+1) - PAID 50. Mattrwebb +1 - PAID 51. Jake.Lowther +1 (PAID 2 Tickets) 52. 14N - PAID 53. 350gottwins +1 (paid2tickets) 54. Jonnymonno +1 PAID x2 55. KBAD + 1 56. Matt V6Z +1 Paid Track time @ 9:40 57. Yorkie +1 PAID 58. GracieB + 1 PAID 59. Sebastian PAID , Tracktime 10.40 60. Zebedy + 1 61. RoxZ + 1 62. Stephanie 63. MatthewThain 64. Kostask +1 PAID 65. Chris141084 +1 PAID 66. Stocker11 +1 PAID 68. Finners PAID 69. bam350z +1 PAID 70. AbiiPow +1 PAID 71. MattRwebb +1 PAID 72. N15GTE (Richard James + Sharon James) PAID 73. eroll_350z - Plus 1 (2 Adult Tickets) - PAID 74. Coops1958 + 1 PAID 75. Cloud1440 paid 76. Shire350z + 1 PAID 77. MarkSt PAID 78. Stevod 79. Mambofever PAID 80. Gorbash (Ian + Gen) PAID 81. kayjay0_7 - PAID 82. Harry-HR PAID 83. WwZed, Track time 10:20 PAID 84. Sisson18 +1 PAID 85. Andy_Muxlow. PAID 86. Mark350Z +1 PAID 87.Liviu Broscoi PAID 88. scottdky +1 PAID 89. Longsh07 +1 PAID 90. Matt89 PAID 91. Aus10 PAID 92. Dans3403 +1 -PAID 93. bluesimmo +1 -PAID 94. slates -PAID 95. Hypnosis + 1 - PAID 96. griff_350 -PAID 97. Kayla +1 PAID 98. Adam46z33 +1 PAID 99. Pattzed +1 PAID 100. Redsky +1 PAID 101. Svothe +1 PAID 102. Miller350z +1 PAID 103. Pusztai Norbert +1 PAID 104. Martinw +1 PAID 105. Jimbo117 PAID 106. omegacloud PAID Tracktime: 09:40 107. a.roden +1 PAID 108. antnee +1 PAID 109. Hardy 350 +1 PAID 110. Vallis 10 PAID 111. Stuggerz +1 (Out of the shadows.. Camera Ready) PAID 112. Edd20022 +1 PAID
  8. Holy sh*t! 44 replies! I wish people were this forthcoming when I ask about exhaust gaskets! Thanks for pointing out the flaws in my steering wheel - but to be honest, I'm happy enough with it, and despite its flaws it's better than my OEM one from a driving perspective at least. As I mentioned in the OP this was a punt - an impulse purchase...as was the Zed itself. I am a salesmans dream customer. Yes, the example wheels that have been posted do look better, and had I of known about Jack and his mad needle and thread skills I would of approached him. But I didn't. So hey ho. To sum up - Jacks wheels are better, I still really like mine....you know what, I think I'll keep it. Non regrette rien
  9. Do you have any pictures? I didn't see anything on your website Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I saw the ZLEDS ones. I don't think I like DRL's enough to blow £350+ Also I don't think I have the skill or the patience nessesery to make my own!
  11. The wait wasn't a problem as my Z was in storage for the winter at the time, plus they provide the new wheel or you can do an exchange for your old wheel and get a £40 discount after the new one arrives. So it's not a month with no wheel.
  12. So I took a punt on a foreign eBay add offering custom designed retrimmed wheels. There were loads of options to pick from like thickness, flat bottom, alcantara, smooth leather, perforated leather and more. After choosing my options and parting with approx £270 it finally arrived and I was really pleased with the result. I even asked for the stitching and 12hr strap to match my Alezan seats. Took just over a month to be made and posted out, but definitely worth it I think.
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