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Everything posted by daveallen1999

  1. Hi and welcome, I am interested in getting a supercharger in the future, so this as been interesting.
  2. Thank you, I will take your suggestions onboard.
  3. Hi and welcome, I waited for 4 weeks for my Z, seemed like it took forever.
  4. Hello and welcome, good choice in buying a Z.
  5. Been having a look at the discussion on this topic, a lot people think that's it's ok to go thro a amber light and yes you see hundreds if not thousands of people do it and it never leads to a road traffic incident. However in the Highway Code it does state- " AMBER means ' STOP' at the stop line you may go on only if the Amber appears after you have crossed the stop line or are so close to it that to pull up might cause an accident". Accelerating hard towards a traffic light is never a good idea as it increases your braking distances and hence reduces your ability to stop at the line . I did run a amber light l on my HGV class 2 driving test, however I was about a couple of vehicle lengths from the stop line with another LGV directly behind me, I passed the test with no comment from the examiner.
  6. Hi, The daily work car, great to drive the Z, after the Corsa gets a wheel battering.
  7. Hi, The daily work car, great to drive the Z, after the Corsa gets a wheel battering.
  8. Forgot to mention the phone I use is a Samsung S3.
  9. Hi, I wish to seek the wisdom of this forum, as a lot of you have a vast experience of issues with the above mentioned vehicle. My phone currently doesn't connect with the blue tooth. When I first brought the car I had no issues, however the adapter light as now stopped flashing either yellow or blue and the phone only connects for about 2 seconds and then I lose the connection. Any suggestions what the problem is ? New adapter perhaps ?
  10. I had this type of system on a 13 plate Astra, it took me about two weeks to figure out how to release it as it had never been explained to me by the salesperson and the manual in the glove-box was for a vehicle two years older. I found out it releases when I blipped the throttle whilst at the clutch biting point. I agree I didn't like it either.
  11. Hi I am looking for the above, only the alloys are required. I am willing to pay up to £350.
  12. Hi, have they finished the complete game yet ?
  13. Hi, price sounds reasonable, but it would depend on the condition. The mpg is not that good, the best I am getting is about 27mpg.
  14. Hello and welcome to the forum. I had a drive of a GTR yesterday, a very fast car which demanded a lot of respect, which it got after nearly losing it on a hairpin. First time with a paddle shift.
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