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Z Hopeful (2/7)



  1. Nice pic's, was a great day!
  2. 1) Payco - Datsun 510 SSS. Reg WWU 276J 2) KBAD - 350z . Reg J44SUS 3) nismoandy- 350z - WP06FNX 4) Nino - 370z - Reg. SK12 XZZ 5) Olly350z - 370z Nismo - GM16 JBX 6) Andy_Muxlow - 350Z - Reg. A20MUX 7) andy james. 350z reg AJ07 ZZZ 😎 Humpy - 370z N12 SRA 9) Richn370 - 370Z CX59OKP 10) ColDel - vx220 - VK05XEU 11) davey83 - 350z - GT05ZED 12) pintopete58 350z GA53SOZ 13) Charlie Boy - 350z - AK56BYT 14) 💥Zippypooz - 350z - N44SSN💥 15) hotrain69 - 350z - NA07YTU 16) JohnI - 370Z Nismo - PA04YCO 17) Loadmaster - 370Z Nismo - RK67 DZZ 18) Pinoy-R- 350z - YT55NNO
  3. Pinoy-R

    WV2 bonnet

    Thanks but was looking for a quick decent replacement as my bonnet has suffered from sun damage
  4. Pinoy-R

    WV2 bonnet

    On bugger, just abit too far for me... 7 hour drive. Thanks anyways
  5. Pinoy-R

    WV2 bonnet

    Anyone got a pre facelift wv2 bonnet or oem style carbon fiber bonnet?
  6. Just want to say service is spot on! Took advantage of there black friday sale and was expecting delivery on Monday and it turned up today, so look like i've got alittle project to do tomorrow. Thank you. Ryan
  7. Any chance adding oem valve cover on the sale? That would be much appreciated , need to replace one
  8. Recently I've noticed alot of deal popping up on amazon, I managed to get my a set of chargespeed bottomline rears for cheap and my lastest bargain is a k&n induction kit. Just thought i give the heads up there are some good parts on there... there currently chargespeed headlight trims for 15.99 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Koplampspoilers-NI-350Z-Z33-FRP/dp/B00BIOJM1A/ref=mp_s_a_1_70?ie=UTF8&qid=1530206553&sr=8-70&refinements=p_76%3A419158031&rps=1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=Charge+Speed
  9. Unfortunately not, these where the last set... gave it a chance as they was only £25
  10. I just got these for what i think is an amazing deal, if there real. I got them of Amazon of all places. Haha! Can anyone on here verify if there real or not?
  11. Yeah picked it up all this morning, just finished fitting everything. Thank again proper life saver!
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