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About Shifty6Speed

  • Birthday 17/11/1983


  • Location
    Shropshire, UK

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  1. As above, passed me today, i was dordling on cruise control in my tractor powered Accord Tourer which is abysmal on fuel....
  2. Just down from Shirehall! We did acknowledge each other...
  3. It was Lee from L.A Autos Zed specialist in town Jord!
  4. Wasn't me, i know who it was now though, we had a good chat earlier after i followed him across town
  5. Could have been me... There's another guy in a gunmetal but his is quiet and mines disturbingly loud I don't remember being at Shelton though... Saw an Azure roadster a few weeks back on ditherington road!?
  6. As per title. See it every time I come up to visit my brother. Lovely car!
  7. I parked next to you just now 11am.... Couldn't find my forum fliers though... Nice gunmetal just like mine 😠Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  8. Just passed you in my courtesy car heading through the traffic lights on Ditherington Road near Banbury Windows. Two blokes in the car.... Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  9. As i mentioned above, i do have video, but it won't upload. Keeps coming up with an error code which it's never done before
  10. I'm using Berks and I get beautiful over run... But they're all similar at the end of the day 😊 Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  11. Was it you I passed on Sat by the Welsh bridge just after the carnival? No dude. I was in Wrectum (Wrexham) on Saturday at another Zed friends house... I keep seeing another gunmetal on the A49 between craven arms and Shrewsbury... I've got a big single exit now so you'll hear if its me 😂 Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  12. Hahaha... I've tried to upload the video but it keeps coming up with a file error code 😬 Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  13. Stopped and had a nice chat and took about 3 thousand miles off my rear tyres pulling away 😂 Just putting this up incase you decide to join the forum. Great to meet you dude 😊🖒 Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  14. Gunmetal, lightly modded. I did wave but you looked like you were on the phone *TUT*... Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
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