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fake ben taylor

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  1. Lot of time for this!! Been looking at similar for the future of my build Jenvey air boxes - keen to know details on these and possibly to buy some if they'd fit my DE (have janveys and really really struggling for airboxes)
  2. Really really late seeing this I've got heads from the nismo super gt engines, titanium con rods from the same engines (longer to increase dwell time) and getting custom pistons made. Will be revving to 8-8.5k. Also got custom long tube manifolds, jenvey throttle bodies with drive by wire and have removed powers teeing to reduce parasitic losses Should be fun when done. 😎
  3. They are going to a good cause
  4. Sent you a pm about itb's Building an NA VQ at the minute with titanium con rods and the heads from the super gt engines, syvecs ecu etc - it needs itb's
  5. Trackspec ones? Been looking at them myself Think I've settled on some fibreglass ones from the chevy ngtc car to run alongside my Nismo, thanks to Harry Jackson for finding them.
  6. I had this on mine, changed pads as mine looked to be leaving deposits on the disc, and also found a tie rod end with play in it
  7. I had not heard that, I'll have a look Bloody good shout if it is the case!
  8. Would save me ordering the tb's from the states So yeah its definitely an option
  9. I know the arm is 65mm id with the maf stuck in the middle to further harm airflow
  10. Imo thermal gaskets don't do a lot, I know the plenum gets hot but there's that much air rushing through at that high a speed it's not going to absorb that heat, in my opinion. Good cold air supply to the filter will do far far more. Veils idea the kit is done and fitted to my car, there's a thread in member traders
  11. The rays aren't light though :/ so many other options, they're light compared to the non gt wheels, but as far as forged wheels go, they're quite the heavyweight really. But yes they are cheap, and look good. And if you can't be bothered to find the better alternatives they are an easy solution
  12. They don't pop up on eBay at that price, but seen loads of sets go through the likes of sxoc, drift works etc But there are other lightweight wheels also.....
  13. Wider regas are unicorn stuff, was just saying as an example that light wheels don't necessarily cost the earth and can be gotten second hand
  14. Got 18x8.5 on atm which run 255 front and rear tyres and a set of 17x8/9 staggered but my mates running them on his drift car atm lol Can't run any wider at the front due to the wise fab but hoping to sort the wise fab out and then look at getting something wider but still light
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