Just got this pic through from jack Royal
Booked in for the rest of the alcantara work to be done ,'so should bring the interior up a notch ! Hopefully fit the wheel this weekend
Great bit of kit for the zed and paired with the tein springs , a genuinely great road set up .... So good I had them on my zed ! ........ Oh wait a minute
They are quick mate ..... And weight ( I would have thought ) a good 200kg less than yours . Don't worry to much though as they are ugly as dogs backside !!
Ya had thought about hydro dipping ..... Its just with the real carbon roof , it would be nice to have matching real carbon grills and vents ..... Also ill get a carbon rear spoiler to tie it all together
Nice one mate , glad you liked it
Well had the exhaust mod done today ..... It's really nice and at £120 it's got to be the best mod for the money I've ever done ! No drone at all and pretty quite while just cruising ... But open it up and the v8 comes alive . Just what I was after
Other news ..... On my arrival back to mine looked at the plasti dip ..... Oh dear , doesn't seem to have worked ( shock horror !) so glad i didn't spent a lot on it !
I'll either order gloss black parts or if I'm feeling flush then carbon trim to replace the chrome parts .
Can you get these then ........ I'll find out !
If you get time you still up for swinging by my gaff tomorrow after the garage?
Pm me your number mate . Where abouts are you ?
Finished early today , so decided to plasti dip ( yes I know !) the front grille , bonnet and side vents . Well pleased for a bit of effort and £12 !!
Getting the exhaust mod done tomorrow , can't wait !!
It all depends on what level of of paint correction you're after and what products they are using . As in ceramic coating costs a lot more as it's expensive to buy .
That Shmee dude gets right on my goat for some reason .... It's like his tongue is to big for his mouth ... Not many people I'd like to slap , but he's one of them !
Very impressive car though .... Not sure on the styling though if I'm honest
If they could blame a Bosch battery on an engine failure then I'm in the wrong game ..... Surely that would never hold up in court ?!
Anyway I'll take my risks with the exhaust mod ! Never ever heard of it being an issue with claiming on your warranty in the Bmw circles.
Nice one man .... Very very nice !
Targa always seem to have a good selection of gtr's for sale . Heard they are good to buy from as well .
Happy days !
I guess it all depends on what it saves you ? For me buying from a UK trader who imports goods from the U.S. It's about the come back when things go wrong or are damaged , yes they make a bit of money on the parts but we all know they don't do it for the love ! if it's damaged / faulty then you get your money back there and then and it's their issue to sort . Just my opinion though