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Everything posted by Bodyboarder81

  1. Yep , from all my reading they should be pretty good on road and track ( if I ever get on one !) always wanted to have a set of ohlins on a car to see what the fuss was about but could never justify the cost .... DT sorted me right out
  2. I would say get a standard 70 and spend a little to mod it into something you want . Don't get me wrong I like the nismos but not for the extra cost . I've always said they should have been at least 40-50 bhp more and then they would be worth the extra money over a normal 70 .
  3. I bet me ........ And for winning I might give myself £800 to go towards a quaife Hahaha Spending way to much again !!
  4. I went for the ohlins in the end A very attractive price for ( hopefully) a great bit of kit . They were not loads more than than the kw's as for the 50 the kw's are a bit more than the 70 ones . Anyway looking forward to getting my utterly brilliant bilstein/tein combo off ( not really sure why I'm changing to be honest ! ) and getting the ohlins on !
  5. Hi james , Just to let you know I've spoken to Craig at DT and ordered a set A cracking price and an easy company to deal with , happy days !!!!
  6. And that's still a load of hassle and a lot of money !!
  7. Speak to your bank , I'm sure they will sponsor you and loan you the money needed ! I would have thought 350-60 would be achievable with out going crazy race engine build , but even that would probably cost you 10-15k
  8. Heard adrians doing a deals with cheeep- ting-gone-wong at the semen show at the moment . £200 for a twin tt setup ...... Unless a member can get it cheaper ?! Hahaha
  9. Dont do it mate ..... They have a very bad rep . Theres a big thread about it on here
  10. Haha ..... Look at that dirty roving right hand
  11. Ok james sounds good , appreciate your help If you do speak to him again , could you kindly ask about the ohlins as well for my 50 ..... You are obviously good at negotiating very good deals Cheers Josh
  12. Put a swop ad up on here . Im sure someone would want to go the other way to you .
  13. Around £600 i would have thought .... If its the full system inc y pipe
  14. ..... Just been looking at DT and the ohlins 350z coilovers are at £1800 . Not seen them below £2500 before . Whats peoples opinions on these . Sorry james off topic
  15. Well who was the trader ? Would be nice off them to pop along and clear this up really .
  16. You make it sound like the traders fees are hundreds of £'s How much is it ?
  17. Ha ha ..... See all the cool kidz have polished chargers
  18. Blob ..... Im guessing your going fi ? Have a look at the fuel return system that nissanman is selling as well .an essential bit of kit also Think theres a stillen oil cooler going as well ....
  19. I could see where the trader is coming from if they actually sold the product as its there livelihood ect..... But if they don't even sell the product that's pretty low to be honest .
  20. Interesting Why did you buy another 50 then? Because at the time I didn't want to spend 18-20k on a nice z4mc . I only paid 10k for my 50 ..... This is why the 50/70 are so appealing . They are cheap for what you get .
  21. Ooo a bit of drama on a Wednesday ! So you set up a group buy and a trader who doesn't even sell the products complains ? Right? Name and shame , that's out of line imo
  22. Buy them .... They are a bargain and top quality injectors !! I know as I run them on mine
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