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Everything posted by Bodyboarder81

  1. Good time to bin that odd front bumper mate .... Whack a standard one back on and it will sell pretty quick I reckon
  2. Welcome along Looks like a lovely ( bling ) HR
  3. Hahaha .... That made me laugh alot !! Most times ill say " its your car do how you please with it " On this occasion though ......... Just dont !
  4. What you after for them jim ( delivery cost inc if poss ? )
  5. Cheers Chris ....got my invidia through along with new wheels nuts
  6. Did I just hear in that the mclaren uses akebono brakes ? 11:05 mins
  7. Don't know who I would trust to put them on local to me ?! Going to h-dev in the new year for a few bits and bobs , so want to wait until then as they can corner weight /set them up properly .
  8. Sounds good man and im sure once you drive it properly in the dry you will notice yet more benifits . Im not sure im going to be able to cope with having to wait until jan to get mine fitted !!
  9. Don't worry Nic the forum hasn't left you ...... It's just we are thinking about it seriously and pondering on what to say Oh and I haven't got a clue to your question !
  10. Very nice indeed .... Some interior shots if you please
  11. Same as a decent low mileage HR 50 then , as they seem to be holding firm at around 10k +
  12. Miltek system is the same for DE and HR , just the decats / hfc are different .
  13. I think with a lot of filling and smoothing completely into the bumper it could look ok .... But by the time you've paid for that I'd just get a chargespeed .... Yes a lot have it on here but it's the only rear bumper/ add on that really works . I have the nismo rear spats and if I hadn't had my car ceramic coated I would probably get a chargespeed myself .
  14. Ya the reason I didn't get one ...... Oh wait I have a miltek , had a invidia ...'and bought another invidia that's going on next week , I must be the most common on here !!
  15. Don't beat around the bush ...... So I'm pretty sure you don't think it would work?
  16. Love spending others people's money on their zed .... Makes me feel better about spending ( stupid amounts ) on mine In all honesty dude ... Do what you think will look good , it's your car
  17. I think it all depends if you would want to had decats or hfc later on to which exhaust would be best . If you are staying with oem cats then I'd say the ark ... If planning on adding hfc later on then ( for me at least ) the ark would be too loud , so would opt for a miltek or invidia ...... All these 3 systems are top quality exhaust which are made to a high standard . I know a lot on here like the cobra but from what I've seen they are not built like ark/invidia/miltek
  18. Like it all .... Other than the rear , just looks too stuck on for my liking If you're happy with the exhaust ... Some new tips is the way to go if your bro can sort you out
  19. I love the look of it !! What does one of these bikes set you back ? Really want to get my license next year and get a bike
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