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Everything posted by Bodyboarder81

  1. Ok thanks Alex ,I'll order some toe bolts What's these lock out bolts that I keep seeing/ reading about ?
  2. Hi all , Bought some 2nd hand rear adjustable eibach/spc camber arms ...... So this will get my camber in line . Do I also need some toe bolts/arms? Also what about rear traction control links? Getting very confused as to what I'll need to be honest ! Car will be lowered around 20-30 mm max Will the front be ok without upper camber arms ? Thanks
  3. At 6k if it all checks out and is ok , i think thats a good price to be fair .
  4. No its been pretty pants ..... Worse up your way though i think Cant wait for spring !
  5. Looks really good dude !!! Turning into a great , classy car I hate to say it though ...... But with the chargespeed rear looking so good and the way it sits lower , i think proper side skirts are needed to balance it up , like the nismo style one ..... Please dont hate me !
  6. I wish ! No garage at the mo ... But hoping to build one very soon . You keeping ok ?
  7. Stretch your budget a tad and buy jimyboys one .... Very well looked after , good miles and so nice mods
  8. All I saw here was mess ! Clean you're desk man
  9. 1380kg is pretty good ! I guess when I get bored of it as a road car I could strip mine , light wheels , seats ect and enjoy a totally different car again .
  10. Thats pretty good isnt it !? Dread to think what mine is , as ive put alot of weight at the front
  11. What's the standard split weight wise front to rear ?
  12. Mark. This could well be the way forward I may take you up on that Josh. it's a viscous diff not verry good I don't think Good this is hard work tring to get all the parts in my head needed and costing together for the job Ya realised the standard viscous diff is pretty pants ..... My Quaife should be here on Monday What ever you do don't add it up Nic ! Just buy the diff and worry about the rest when you fit it !! Hahaha
  13. Be interested to see what the car weighs now youve taken pretty much everything out ! Whats your guess ? TBF i don't even want to guess. Its a TT car so heavy due to that but I would hope a decent amount lighter. I still want new pax seat plus CF boot lid and doors so that will help too Mines a right fatty @ 1630 kg ! With half tank of fuel . WOW yeah lol.. where did you measure that?? On a weigh bridge near where I was looking at a job one day . Think the HR are around 1580 ish standard and I've added charger and all the odds and sods ... Heavy rota 19" wheels ect . I've sort of given up with the whole weight saving issues as the zeds a tubby girl no matter what !
  14. Be interested to see what the car weighs now youve taken pretty much everything out ! Whats your guess ? TBF i don't even want to guess. Its a TT car so heavy due to that but I would hope a decent amount lighter. I still want new pax seat plus CF boot lid and doors so that will help too Mines a right fatty @ 1630 kg ! With half tank of fuel .
  15. I thought all UK 50/70 were fitted with lsd?
  16. So its not worth it on a 50/70 then mark ?
  17. Stars wars would be great ..... Not sure how it would work with the stickers though ? Star whores ....
  18. Worth doing the diff bushes at the same time i guess ?
  19. Cant go wrong with that ! Helpful as ever
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