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Everything posted by Bodyboarder81

  1. Do it ! You have seen the quality of the parts I've sold first hand ... These are no different This is how they look
  2. Still uses the spring bucket . Im personally not keen on true coilover set up for the rear as its not how nissan designed it . Although lots run them with no issues .
  3. The teins drop the car about 17mm front and 14mm rear . The spring perch mod brings the back in line with the front . The bilstiens are designed to be used with standard springs and up to a 30mm drop in height . Making these the perfect combo together . I'll get a pic of my car , as they are still on it at the moment .
  4. These bad boys And to be fair they've got a lot to live up to , as the Bilstein/ tein combo are a proper quality road set up for the zed !
  5. All hail king ekona ( driving God and not ashamed to say so )!
  6. Check for sale section mate
  7. Have a full set of Bilstein b6 dampers ( 4 in total ) and tein s tech springs . Covered a massive 3k on my car ! These are a absolute brilliant set up for the zed . Many have this set up on the forum with great reviews . I also have a set of rear purch/ bump stops that have been cut down my 10mm to even up the ride height . The bilstiens are £450 new Tein springs are £155 new After £450 for both . Collected from Southampton . These will be off the car in 3 weeks time . They will be fully cleaned and a coat of acf-50 applied to Protect them for the new owner . Thanks
  8. Well done mate , cars coming along very nicely
  9. No that's ok (real names Gareth btw ~ confusing I know but I got given a nick name ) That blue Zed looks soooo much better and with the LMGT4's that's a real bonus. Good luck with the purchase and get some pics up once you get it. Just for u GMballistic lol Fancy selling those lmgt's ? Or part ex ( cash your way ) for mine
  10. From me .... I had it sprayed before i went FI . Swopped it for jims standard one as i never had use for it anyway .
  11. It does sound pretty epic that meister exhaust !
  12. It does indeed ...... But i 60% tard and cant seem to find the code that gets me 20% off Little help my hairy hungarian
  13. Are the toe arms the ones that the rear springs sit into ? No, these are midlinks / spring buckets Ah right ! Getting a picture of it all now !! So i need toe bolts( or toe arms ) and lock out kit ? Pm me you slovakian turnip
  14. My advice would be go see it at least . When i bought my 1st zed i , like you didnt want a silver one . One came up for sale local which was silver ..... Though i might as well go take a look .... Hook line sinker ! Was a sunny day and the paint just pops . Genuine good car and well known/ looked after ...... You might well find a black/ blue/ red one but not know its faults untill youve bought it ! No such worries with jims car
  15. Yes ...... For once you make complete sense !
  16. Are the toe arms the ones that the rear springs sit into ?
  17. The lock out bolts and washers are to stop the rear arms from moving which would effect your geometry settings. Worth it for a road car? Or just BS ?
  18. But you're running stock height right Nic?
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