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Everything posted by Bodyboarder81

  1. No one really ..... Even if we all had 600 bhp we would all want more ! But I'm looking for a car out the box that fits my bill .... And the m3 is ticking most of them . Yes it's not the fastest or best looking but does what it does well . I have no doubt that a 1'series or charged 370/350 would be quicker but for a standard car it seems to be pretty good . As said though , I'll go see it , take a good drive , see where my heads at with it all and make a decision . If I do end up getting that white m3 ,'it's been offered to me for 27 .... Leaving enough money for maybe a dedicated track car to share with both my brother in laws . May be a lotus / vx or something along those lines with a budget of 5 k each to put into it .
  2. Mine is exactly that mate, new downpipes, hi flow cats/exhaust mid section and a remap, and those are the figures. Hybrid turbo(s) will see 600hp apparently, injectors will see well beyond that and this is all without opening the engine, the beauties of a forged bottom end as standard Mine is the N54 twin turbo BTW, the gains are not so big on the later N55 but good numbers for bugger all cash are still achievable. And it cost less than £17K with all of this done, sweet rims, M3 footwork and a few fancy pants carbon bits. I would like to state for the record at this point that I am not saying my car is better or worse than a GTR, just I cant see why anyone would buy an E92 M3 instead Because the m3 is better in my opinion out the box ....'where as a 1 isn't
  3. Straightlining? Yes I am, at least an 07 model anyway, the previous owner claims to know for sure as well GTR: 478hp and 434lb/ft at 3200rpm, 1730KG 135: 430hp and 560 lb/ft at 3200rpm, 1485KG Yet to find out on track as Im blighted with this shittiest diff known to man but I dont think there would be a lot in it, mainly due to the weight difference. But that 430 in yours is with all bolt ons ... A gtr with a simple map would bring it to 580-600 bhp and 550ftlb ? A massive difference and the 4 wheel drive out of the corners ?
  4. Come on they are a great car ! Also once you start selling Bmw aftermarket stuff you'll probably love them hahaha
  5. Looking at this Friday ....... It's a great spec , but we shall see I guess !
  6. As we all know though it's one thing having the power it's the way it puts it down , and the gtr is well documented at being the very best and being able to use all its power practically all the time .
  7. My zed had 465 and would get absolutely spanked by a gtr running 600 bhp ( which they all have ) it's the way it delivered and controls its power that makes it so so quick ..... A mapped gtr will do 0-100mph h in around 6.5 seconds !!
  8. I'm after something fun , well built , reasonably quick , handles well , sounds good and cost between 30-35 . I don't want something I have to change everything to make it what I want . Although I have given myself a 3k budget for the essential mods !
  9. Doc are you genuinely saying your 1'series would give a gtr a run for its money ? I know you're well respected on here but come on man !
  10. We test drive the kuga and although it was nice .... The Nissan had a lot better spec for the same amount of money and didn't return anywhere near the mpg the xtrail does ...... Also the xtrail was bigger so would be suitable for our expanding family .
  11. Put a pic up doc ! All good points ..... But I want to stick to my budget . I would dearly love a nice Cayman s 981 ... But as is the gtr out of my price bracket . Also as said I might well have a gt4 sometime in the future ( and depending on the loan amount!) . I have an itch for a v8 and been out in a v8v 4.3 I think . Looks absolutely wonderful , interior wasn't blown away by or the performance . Been in a gtr..... Yes yes amazingly quick and capable but truth be told never been a fan of the look , sorry folks Went and had a go in a nice m3 v8 ... With a akrapovic exhaust and some other bits and bobs .... It was black ( which I don't think does the car shape justice ) but it was good fun ! Dtc , 8400 rev limit , in my price range and semi practical . Yes no where near as quick as a gtr and I even think my zed would have beaten it in a straight line at least , but very well built . TT RS ..... Gay Maser .... I'm not 50 , I'm 34 911 ..... Only would want a 997.2 3.8 - out of price range evora ..... I actually like them ... But the new one make the ones in my budget look utterly crap would also live outside , so not keen on a fibre glass shell
  12. Hi mate .....'a true dual will solve your rasp problem ! Trust me I know !!
  13. I just think they look a tad halfords style .... Loads of stuff stuck everywhere ! They go very very well though and a mapped one would spank a zed. Sound nice too.
  14. We test drove all of the above and found them to be too small ! So went for the x-trail instead , and have enjoyed it ever since ! The wife loves it , even I quite like it ! Good on fuel , loads of room and lots of kit . Well worth a look
  15. I had all my zed related stuff done with jez and the team . A great company to deal with and utterly nice people . Good move í ½í±
  16. No .... But I had a 19 year old sat with me .... And he didn't say a lot Gave it full throttle to the ( very low ) red line in 2nd and 3rd and thought " oh was that it "
  17. Yes but as we all know he lives in a different world to us
  18. Just drove this Mainly out of curiosity , as its in my price range for my next car . I'll be pretty blunt ..... It was crap ! The interior build quality wasn't even on par with my Nissan xtrail, and I would say not loads different from my old HR zed ! Fake leather stitching on the binincle ( plastic ) , hard plastic everywhere , switch gear was tacky. Now the engine ..... Not blown away either . Didn't feel that quick , only revs to 6.5 k and sounds pretty pants for a v8 , although I'm sure a good exhaust could solve this . On the road it felt very very heavy , didn't really like to change direction without a wallowy feel . Brakes were well over servoed , on or off , no peddle feel what so every . The only thing this car has got going for it is its looks and price bracket for a new car . Once all the hyp has gone and there are a few around in a year or so time I reckon these will be an absolute bargain , because I can see them loosing big money pretty quick . Would I wait 9-12'months for one ? Er .... No thanks
  19. Just looked it up mate .... Throttle position sensors ... And I bet it's bank 2 . Get jez to make the loom longer and do away with that stillen wire
  20. Clio 172 cup ..... Rip everything out , light buckets , good suspension and you have an epic little car . Loved mine
  21. These are in budget and have a massive spec ! Tad old man-ish though?
  22. I actually think the m3's have gone up slightly in value ! Went out in one the other day , pretty impressed to ne honest . Not that fast but as you say a complete package and would get pic of the bunch with my budget
  23. Im not buying a car for bragging rights ...... I would have never bought 3 nissans if i were ! As said , can appreciate what it is , just not for me Appreciate the post though .
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