That's my old one ..... I sold it about 4 years ago to a nice chap called dean ... He sold it about 7 months ago . Great car and was sat on some rota gtr 19" and gloss black roof . I now have the plate GT08ZZZ on my new zed!!
Fk are big in the vag world ..... Are quite good quality but not as good as eibach /tein/hr /kw ..... I would go either tein for a small drop or eibach for a bit more plus camper arms etc
Why does it matter what they are worth?
Sorry mate is this a rhetorical question ???
Sort of I guess .... Just wandered what relevance it had to the thread?
No biggy
Hi just wandered what brake fluid people would recommend for my zed .... Have some braided lines and new pads to go on as well , just road use with the odd blast every now and then . Where is the best place to buy and how much will I need ?
Thanks !