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Everything posted by Bodyboarder81

  1. Great ad and looks like a great car ..... Spot on with the price I reckon , serviced mot and new tyres , someone's going to be happy with that purchase GLWTS
  2. I ran 30 rear and 20 front on tein springs , so only a little drop . There was quite a bit of room left to be honest , I think you will be fine to run 20/30 set up . I've got some sat here if you need them .... Just haven't got around to putting them up for sale yet !! Pm me if interested .
  3. Not sure really mate, had mine done around my way ..... But whatever happens keep us posted as that will look amazing ( yet very expensive ) if you get the whole lot done in alcantara !!
  4. High flow cats , exhaust , drop in filters then remap should see 15-20bhp , after that it's forced induction if you want proper gains .... But it's proper money !!
  5. I wouldn't bother mate as the berks just get blasted out and made into decats pretty quick with a supercharger bolted on ....
  6. If you already have the Berks surely it's worth just putting them on anyway? If it fails the mot just slap your standard back in as you would if you were running decats ?
  7. Stupid question .... As I'm just trying to figure this out .... Why have you put odd tyres on the wheels all around , if the wheels and tyres ( as you say ) have only covered 12-1500 miles from new ?? Genuine question as I quite fancy them but the very odd tyre set up is putting me off , surely you would have put the same tyres all round when you bought them new ?
  8. Hi dude I have some I'm not using , bought from cs above about 4 months ago ..... Eibach 20/30 combo , need to be collected as I can't be bothered to post
  9. That's good as I am just genuinely interested not wanting to stir anything up .
  10. Hi mate .... Just wandering what tyres are on them ... As in the ad it says p zero but in the pic looks like a Michelin and Dunlop ? Thanks
  11. Your call - edit heading as you wish as we can see more and more members are looking at the FI options, but knowing there are some that should be avoided. This is my point ..... More and more of us want to start charging our cars ..... When I was on here 4 years ago there were maybe 2 people who had done it .... Now every other person ( well not quite ) on the forum is charged or considering it . The main problem being a good kit that people can actually get hold of and the back up with the kit if stuff goes wrong or new parts are required .
  12. The kit especially if it's the tuner one is basically all the bits you need from GTM to get your S/C build underway. On top of this you need a fuel return system,bigger injectors,hybrid oil filter kit,bigger fuel pump,oil cooler,baffled high capacity sump(if you don't want to do a Grundy),complete new exhaust system to allow the engine to breath and an up rated clutch. This list is a minimal as once your running big power all of a sudden things like brakes,suspension,diff and tyres feel totally inadequate. Oh and I forgot to say that you have to pay someone to fit this little lot and tune the car afterwards so maybe you can see why the money can add up quite quickly. Ya can see it adding up ..... Gtm say that their kit includes supercharger cooling kit , basic fuel system , bigger injectors and fuel pump though ?
  13. Great read ........ If you have a HR !! Looks like its a lot better engine that the older ones. " overwhelming power " made me laugh though !
  14. On the gtm web site the kits are around 6.5 dollars ..... So that's around 5k ? Why does it cost 11k to get it on the car and all running ?
  15. You have to remove your top suspension brace which I wouldn't be keen to do ..... That's on a 50 not sure on the 70
  16. Just raise the car up a bit so you actually do what it's designed for ...... Driving !! In all seriousness though you are always going to have issues running a car low in the uk
  17. Car looks epic mate ! Just the right amount off mods , not ott ! Well done
  18. Cool no worries ...... Do you also need to buy adjustable drop links as well ?
  19. Nice .... Which ones are you going for ? Let me know how you get on with them as I thinking about these for my 50 , cheers
  20. It's not really the money that puts me off its gtm and their very bad reputation !! Surely if a package was designed over here it would be cheaper than importing everything from USA ?
  21. I reckon your gonna get raped ........ But then probably cheaper rent next month
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